Chapter 11 - Homecoming

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 I want to thank you all for the support on Wattpad and Instagram! 

Please enjoy the rest of Her Instinct!


This chapter was inspired by the song "Side To Side" by Ariana Grande. Feel free to listen as you read!

Sleep was useless. I was completely restless with thoughts of Mr. Leto crowding my mind: his smoldering eyes as he fumed at me, his crafty hands as they slid across my hips, and his breath against my face....ugh, I couldn't seem to stop! I just wanted his hands on me, to feel his touch. I missed his lips against mine, against my neck, my body. I craved him; no, I needed him.

I tossed and turned in the bed, ending in a twisted position on my back. It pained me that this torture was all my fault, too. I stared at the ceiling of my room, blackened in a blanket of darkness. I tried not to make too much noise to wake Allegra up. I could barely make out her outline in the nighttime. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully on the air mattress across from me.

I pressed my eyes shut, trying to force sleep to overcome me. Soon, my thoughts drifted to him wishing he was here, just 2 blocks down on Mayfield Street. I drifted into a dreamlike fantasy of sneaking out and going to see him. He'd open the door, no words between us, just impassioned silence. He'd pull me close to him, his scent hypnotizing me as he quickly leads me to his room with our clothes in their respective locations on his bedroom floor. He'd sit me on his lap as his hands roamed my body. His kisses transitioning from gentle to warm, then rough as he slowly makes his way down my stomach.

"Kerri.." he'd whisper in my ear. "Kerri...." Over and we let our emotions solely control our actions...

"Kerri!" Allegra whispered urgently, shaking my shoulder.

Even in my fantasies Allegra always manages to get in the way. Can I at least get a break in my own mind?

"Kerri, are you okay? You're sweating!" she touched my forehead.

"What?" I asked half sleep in disbelief. I try to pull the damp clothes away from my body. Well, the sweat explains a lot considering my dreamful fantasy, but this is bad.

"You think it's a fever?" She asked worriedly.

"No way!" I yelled. My defense sounding a little too strong. "I just had a...nightmare, that's all." I replied softly.

"Let me get you some water and you can tell me all about your nightmare when I get back," she said as she ran out the room to the kitchen.

Just when I thought this night couldn't get any worse. Now I have to make up some ridiculous nightmare with whatever little focus I had left. Oh yeah, and at 2:00am. Here goes nothing...

I walked Allegra home the next morning with no sings of Mr. Leto when we arrived. Apparently he was still out of town for business. Too bad for me. I desperately wanted to see him.

On Sunday, my mom dragged my brother and I to Home Depot searching for this ridiculously hard to find floodlight. We were completely lost or at least that's what my mom didn't want to admit.

"Mr. Leto!" Nico squealed as he ran over to him.

It was like the heavens heard my cry. This was just what I wanted.

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