Chapter 26 - Hail to the Victor

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The chapter title and song were chosen by the Top 5 Contest First Place winner #1:


The cover photo for this chapter was chosen by the Top 5 Contest Second Place winner #1:



@xx666xx666xxx chose the song for this chapter "Hail to the Victor" by Thirty Seconds to Mars. Please listen as you read!

My lips recoiled from his, still tingling from his warmth. He lingered by my doorframe as he looked at me with the glint of orange sunlight sparkling in his eye. It was almost 6pm. 

"I want to see you on Friday." He wrapped me in his arms before leaving my room.

"Why so long?" I teased purposefully as his nose rubbed against mine. 

"I have a pretty busy week ahead of me."

"Oh? Doing what?" I questioned, gliding my hands across his shoulders.

"Just business." He said before pressing his lips against my forehead gingerly.

"Out of town?" I prodded.

"You could say that."

I cocked my head to the side as I watched his mysterious stature leave my house. The sun was just setting as he left, but I was still determined to talk to Derek. As I hurriedly grabbed my things, my conversation with Mr. Leto echoed in my head.

"Business." That three syllabled word haunted me for too long. He was up to something and I needed to keep my eyes on him. My rapid urged me to whip out my my laptop from my pre-packed book bag . My research led me to a few news apps that would keep me updated on any breaking news instantly. News Now app was the winner. It would give me instant alerts on events dealing with murder in my area. It was good start, but that wasn't enough. I needed more. I needed to track him.

Air escaped my lungs desperately as I fell to the couch, Mr. Leto completely mystified me, almost to the point of exhaustion. 

Maybe Derek could help me... if only I could just tell him everything... but that would totally mess up our relation ship though...unless I excluded all the sexual encounters. Hmm...

To be honest, a break from this is exactly what I needed. I shot him text, grabbed my bag and dashed to the car. 

 Music from the radio droned in the background as my was racked with thoughts of Agnes from our meeting earlier today. Thank God she's getting out of here soon.  Tuesday was right on the corner - heck  I was even doing a mini countdown for her to get out of here.  


Derek awaited me with open arms - and mouth for that matter. He wasted no time to steal my lips in a sweet kiss. Only this kiss was the complete opposite of Mr. Leto. Subtle, soft, and so, so tender. I couldn't figure which one I liked more between the two. Maybe I'd settle with a little bit of both. 

"It's good to finally see you."

"I couldn't agree with you more." He led me into his empty house. His patents were out running one errands, thankfully. Privacy at last! I ben peeped th windows to make sure - no sign of Mr. Leto - I mean, there shouldn't be since he's away on "business."

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