Blue Sky

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Clouds, white and weightless, float in the blue, blue sky without a thought. They cry, become angry and die. Just like us. Sometimes I don't see this world as other see it. There are others who see as I do but we are the silent types. THEY don't accept us. THEY don't see as we do. THEY are more than we. We, the one of clear visions hide in the shadows and speak in words unknown to THEM. Hearts shatter, hearts break, this is all true but we the people make hearts that are pure, true. Some are poisoned and become part of THEM, leaving the pure sights behind for something darker. Children are part of us, but as we all do, they must face the fork in the road. Whether they choice us or THEM, it is their choice. There are children that follow us into another reality, a reality of pure sights, of something real and true. Whilst other follow the path of THEM, blind and bind by rule of "logic". The lines between us and THEM are thin line. Easily broken, easily mended. We fight for the purer, simpler thought while THEY fight for a 'perfect, uniformed society'. All of we have scars of battle, each unique to one's battle with one of THEM. Now, a question for YOU, the reader. Whose side do you chose? The side of the free mind or the side of chains and locks, closed doors?

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