This is dedicated to my friend that i hope will replace me when I'm gone.
I close the door and lock the door and windows. Footsteps go up the stairs and stop outside of the door. The people outside the door start hitting the door, shouting for me to open up. Sitting down, I open the caps and neatly arrange them as the water fills up. Shutting off the water as it reaches the brim, I shovel a towel into the crack of the door and pick up the pills. I slide into the water and take three pills at a time, an uneasy feeling spreading through my body. I cough, my mouth going dry. Slowly i lose vision, black dots filling my sight. I mutter my goodbyes as the door breaks open and people fill the small room. Weak laughs barely escape my lips as my body goes limp.
Random Stories
AcakOk, so these are some little stories I'm writing that are beginnings of could be future stories. If you like one and want it to become a bigger story, please comment on that story.