Ice Queen - A Pirates Of The Caribbean Love Story

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Unfortunately, I don't own these characters.  (Well, Cathy is mine). 


I walked down the crowded streets of Tortuga. As always, I kept one hand on my sword, not just because I was hunting someone, but because it’s always best to be on the alert in Tortuga.

Just for the record, I hate Tortuga. But it’s the place a lot of pirates frequent, and that’s why I was there. The air was heavy with the scent of a thousand spices, plus stale sweat and the stink of alcohol. The jolly sound of loud music was equalled by the constant sound of fighting and breaking glass. All around me, people were getting drunk.

Suited me fine. It’s easier to go unnoticed when people are intoxicated.

I thought back to the assignment Lord Cutler Beckett had given me. Find a pirate that goes by the name of Jack Sparrow. Clap him in irons and bring him back to Port Royal, where he was already late for an appointment with the gallows.

I grinned. Cutler Beckett must be desperate to get his hands on Sparrow, if he would come to me. I was the most infamous bounty hunter in the Spanish Main, but, because I was a woman, most people only hired me as a last resort. But I was the best in the business, with a hundred percent success rate.

And this would be no different. I was willing to bet I’d have Sparrow in chains by the end of the evening. The hardest part would be trawling through the many drinking establishments to find him…

Ice Queen - A Pirates Of The Caribbean Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now