Chapter Three

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"What do you think you're doing?" demanded Jack, as I swung the keys mockingly at him. "Are ye taking over my ship? It's going to take more than just you to sail it, you know, love!"
I raked a hand through my hair. I hadn't thought of that. And by the time I got the ship ready to go, Jack's crew would probably be back and they'd stop me. I chewed my lip thinking.
It wasn't long before an idea came to me!
I was in Tortuga, wasn't I? The land of buccaneer pirates! All I had to do was pick up a crew. Should be simple enough. Provided I didn't get any of the original crew by mistake.
I immediately rejected this plan. It would take far too long.
Better make up your mind, girl, I thought. And fast. There's no telling when the crew might be back.
"How many men are with you?" I asked, pointing my pistol menacingly at Jack.
"I'm all by me onsey, love," he said, far too innocently.
"You would say that," I realized. "Right. Fine." I took out a pair of irons that I always keep with me. "Put your hands up." I slipped the chain through the bars and had just clipped one of the irons on, when Jack seized me by the wrist and twisted my arm around. A sharp pang of agony flashed through my body, but my bounty hunter instincts were strong. I fired my pistol. The noise shocked him and he loosened his grasp. Instantly, I was free of him, and stood, pointing my pistol at him.
"That wasn't very wise, Sparrow," I growled. "Now, get that other iron on, and do it properly, or I'll shoot you."
He obeyed. "You know what you're doing, I'll give you that," he admitted, half-reluctantly, half-admiringly. "But..."
"No buts," I interrupted sharply. I unlocked the door. "Hurry up." I hauled Jack out. "Walk in front of me." I poked my pistol at him and he stumbled in front of me. "Move!"
"I am moving!"
"Move faster!"
"Love, I don't think you're thinking things through here."
"Shut up."
"What are you going to do with me?"
"I said shut up!" I made a point of cocking my pistol, very noisily, to let him know I meant business, and he subsided.
I forced him down the gangplank and back into Tortuga. I was running out of options. Fortunately, I had a few good friends in low places. I knew the time had come to call on one of them...

Ice Queen - A Pirates Of The Caribbean Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now