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A cool, refreshing breeze blew through the open door, raising chills on her sweat covered skin. The breeze's fresh scent was a hard contrast to the unmistakable locker room scent that lingered on the girls, and the matts that lay scattered around the gym. 

It didn't bother her though, the scent that is. Instead she embraced it, her fists covered in boxing gloves, beads of sweat dripping down her calm face. Golden brown eyes narrowed on the red punching bag in front of her, she channeled all of her anger into the muscle that drove her fist forward and into the bag. 

A loud slapping noise echoed through the gym as the bag swung while taking the impact of her force. "Emma, remind me never to piss you off" Charlotte teased from where she leaned against the bleachers, watching the look of intensity break across her friend's face. 

Laughing softly, Emma ran her arm over her forehead in an effort to wipe away the sweat. "Me, get mad at you?" Emma joked, batting her long eyelashes. "Oh please Charlotte, that's practically impossible." 

"Well, what if I stole that boy in your english class? Hm? Then would you punch me like that?" Charlotte questioned with a playful glimmer in her dark, blue eyes. Her hands were in the air, tying her long, brown hair into a high ponytail. 

Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes, pulling the warm gloves from her hands. "Like that would even happen. We barely even talk." Emma reminded her, tucking a loose strand of dirty, blonde hair behind her ear. Her shoulder length hair had a habit of slipping out of her pony tail, no matter how many clips she put in. 

Charlotte rose to her feet, catching the gloves that Emma tossed to her. Strapping them over her manicured nails, Charlotte replied, "Why don't you just, like, get tutored by him? Ask for a little help in English, and bam! Instant couple." 

Collapsing onto the bleachers, Emma stared up at Charlotte who wore a look of pride on her face. "Small issue, I have an A plus in that class" Emma reminded her with a small grin. "I don't think I need a tutor." 

Groaning softly, Charlotte shook her head while pursing her thin, pink lips. "I know, kid genius. What I'm saying, is pretend you don't know. I mean, what harm is it really doing?" Charlotte wondered, giving the punching bag a light punch. 

A disbelieving laugh escaped Emma who was in the middle of rolling up the sleeves of her black teeshirt. "What harm is it doing?" Emma repeated, watching Charlotte nod. "The harm is I don't want to have to dumb myself down to get a guy. If guys are intimidated by an intellectual, then that's their insecurity issue, not mine." 

"Preach, girl" Charlotte joked, attempting to plant a kick on the punching bag. It moved a little less than an inch, a disappointed sigh slipping through her lips. 

Emma pressed her hands down on her knees, pushing herself up to a standing position. "Char, it's all about the form. If you're not planted correctly, you're not gonna be able to channel enough strength through your leg" Emma explained, stepping next to her friend. 

Charlotte stepped to the side, watching as Emma planted her foot firmly on the ground before leaning back and striking the punching bag with a shocking amount of strength. The metal chain that held the heavy bag released a soft groan as it swung back and forth. 

"Good job Waters!" Ms. Molly complimented as she walked by, clapping a firm hand down on her back. Emma beamed over her shoulder, staring at the older woman who had a broad set of shoulders and a take no bull sh*t attitude. 

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