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Through the window floated a warm summer breeze, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass and a faint scent of sun screen. A small smile rested on her pink lips, her blonde hair spilling down her back in a loose braid. 

"Yes Charlotte, you're invited to the graduation party" Emma rolled her eyes, shaking her head as a soft chuckle escaped her. "Hell, you're helping me host it. I think you and I can both appreciate the fact that Dean can't host a party for his life."

Charlotte's light laugh flooded Emma's ears, her heart swelling with adoration. "You are so right." she grinned on the other end as Emma spun slowly in her desk chair. "So I'll work on the guest list and invitations then?"

"Only if you're not busy planning your own graduation party" Emma responded with a smile, shocked that Charlotte was willing to take on so much responsibility for her. 

A soft sigh reached Emma's ear, the joking tone melting from Charlotte's voice. "I'm not having one. My family's having some posh dinner at the country club" she muttered softly, disappointment heavy in her voice. 

Emma felt a pang in her chest before her eyes grew wide with an idea. "Hey, it's already a joint graduation party. Why not add a third party?" Emma asked, shocked silence as a reply. "You're already helping me host it. We'll just add you in and take a group picture for the invitation, no problem."

"Are you serious?" Charlotte asked quietly, her voice vulnerable and tentative. 

Chuckling, Emma nodded with a grin. "Of course I'm serious. I wanted to have my graduation party with you for years." Emma admitted, remembering day dreaming about it as a freshman. "So what'd'ya say?" 

"Yes! Oh my God!" Charlotte shrieked in amusement, earning a laugh from Emma who winced from the intensity of her scream. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best! I have to tell everyone! And make the invitations and-"

Emma chuckled, smiling as she spotted a silhouette dancing behind the sunny curtains. "Okay, okay Char. Sounds good. I have to go, but you work on the invitations and I'll start on the guest list. Sound good?" Emma asked, listening to Charlotte giggling on the other end. 

"Yes! Oh my God, I'm so excited. Okay, okay, I'll get on that. Talk to you later! Xoxo!" Charlotte cheered before the line went silent, the soft click signaling her departure. Emma slowly pulled the phone away from her ear, smiling as she tucked it in her pocket. 

Rising to her feet, Emma sauntered over to the window with a knowing smirk on her face. Her hands ran down the soft curtains before pushing them to the side. In the warm, orange evening light stood Dean, grinning up at her. 

Emma pulled open the glass pane, leaning out the window where she placed her hands on Dean's shoulders. Grinning, she pressed her lips against his. A soft chuckle escaped him, vibrating against her lips. 

"Well hello there" Dean smiled as she pulled back, a happy blush resting on his cheeks. 

"Hi" Emma waved flirtatiously, admiring the grey tee-shirt that clung to his muscular chest and tanned skin. "I wasn't expecting you until later" she admitted, her elbows resting on the window sill, her head propped up in her hands. 

Dean shrugged his shoulders, rocking back and forth, staring down at his flip flops. "Yeah, well, change of plans. I had a good idea, and when inspiration strikes..." he explained with a sly grin, the freckles that dotted the bridge of his nose as prominent as ever. 

"I wouldn't want to squash your genius" Emma laughed, shaking her head softly. "I was just planning our graduation party with Charlotte, who is now one of the celebrated graduates. We really have to get on that considering we graduate in three days." 

Pursing his lips, Dean nodded slowly. "Yeah. Well. You tell me what to do and I'll do it." Dean grinned, knowing that there was no family he had to invite. Emma's family was his now, and that was plenty. 

"Sounds like a plan then." Emma nodded firmly, unable to wipe the giddy smile from her face. "So tell me, what are we doing?" she asked, noticing a trace of excitement in Dean's green eyes.

"Come outside" he said, extending his hand. Emma pushed the window up further before perching on the edge, placing her hand in Dean's. With his support she jumped from the window, her feet landing in the fresh grass with a thump. "Now close your eyes."

A smile of anticipation lingered on her lips as she let her eyes flutter shut. Dean's steady hands rested on her bare shoulders, guiding her through the yard towards the street. Squeezing her shoulders in excitement, Dean let his hands drop to his sides. "Okay. Open them" he said. 

Emma blinked her eyes opened, the orange evening light blinding for a moment before it settled. In the street, a car was parked. It was a beautiful, vintage convertible; a chevy impala. "I traded in my old car, and with the the help of my new legal guardian..." Dean explained with a nervous shrug. 

Stepping forwards, Emma ran her hand over the shiny, black paint. "It's beautiful" Emma grinned over her shoulder, watching amusement bloom on his face. 

"I'm glad you like it" Dean laughed, smiling at his feet. "Because we're taking a ride. Hop in sweetheart."  

Emma gave him that lopsided grin that made his heart melt and knees weak. "You had me at the window" she teased, opening the door before sliding into the car. The plush seat was welcoming beneath her, the warm breeze still tousling her hair. 

Dean smiled lovingly at her, running around to the driver's side where he hopped into the car. The key slid into the ignition, the engine rumbling to life. Emma admired the plush interior, and the vintage smell of the car that came from the roaring engine. 

Fingers outstretched, Dean pressed the volume knob before music spilled out of the speakers. Dean shifted the car into drive, pressing his foot against the gas pedal. Emma laughed loudly, throwing her head back in the wind. 

In minutes they were driving down the road that ran parallel to the ocean. Dean leaned back in his seat, his arm thrown over Emma's shoulders. Emma leaned her head against his shoulder, the wind blowing through her hair and a smile resting on her face. 

The sun set over the ocean, the orange light glimmering on the dark waves. Summer surrounded them, the end of the hard year right in front of them. Warm joy filled their chests, excitement for the future around their hearts. 

Emma smiled up at Dean, catching a glimmer of a grin resting on his face. Leaning her head on his shoulder, a large breath of relief escaped her. 

They'd made it. They'd made it through the hardships, and made it through high school. Emma remembered the day she'd thought things between them were over; the day she thought that they weren't ever going to work. 

But leaning against him, in the warm summer light of the evening with only happiness inside her, Emma knew that things were working. Things were perfect actually, and she wouldn't change it for the world. 

"Hey Dean?"


"I love you." 

Dean turned to her, a warm smile growing on his face. He pressed his lips against her forehead, eternally grateful to have her next to him. "I love you too, sweetheart. Don't ever forget it" he murmured against her forehead before turning back to look at the road ahead of them.

And all he saw was good things. 

'By the Window'

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