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As soon as Emma stepped up to the door, she knew it was a mistake. The grand mansion towered above her, the house so large that it could swallow hers. Music pumped loudly inside the house, the ground vibrating beneath her. 

Emma's hair was parted down the middle, the strands tied into two french braids. A black and white striped turtle neck hugged her top half, light blue skinny jeans running down her legs before stopping an inch above where her black, ankle boots began. Silver rings covered her fingers, her hands gripping the strap of her brown, leather purse.

Anxiety flooded her veins, creating the feeling of being short of breath. Rubbing her gloss covered lips together, Emma inhaled a deep breath, exhaling the doubt that swirled in her mind.

With a final glance over her shoulder, Emma turned back forwards and opened the front door. The music instantly intensified, the bass vibrating in her chest. A wince came across her face as the scent of alcohol smothered her, laced with the scent of smoke. 

A dark shadow coated the first floor, the front door blocking out the light of the moon as it swung shut behind her. Emma crossed her arms over her chest, her wide eyes searching the tightly knit crowd of kids for someone familiar, someone to latch onto. 

But no one seemed to notice her, but instead seemed entranced in the red solo cups that everyone seemed to be holding. Emma waded further into the party, her heart racing in her chest as she hoped that it seemed like she belonged there. 

Emma pressed her back against the wall, in an attempt to blend in. She observed the dancing teenagers, the ones shaking their butts in uncoordinated motions, the ones that made Emma cringe. And then there were the couples grinding, leaving Emma to wonder if it was technically considered sex. 

"Hey" a voice spoke, Emma jumping as she looked to the side. Some kid, Emma believed him to be a junior, leaned against the wall next to her. 

"Hi" Emma replied shortly, studying his long, black hair and tan skin. His chiseled face was painted with a smirk, his arm pressed against the wall above her. 

"You want a drink?" he slurred, clearly intoxicated. His alcohol scented breath hit Emma's face in warm waves, her stomach churning at his close proximity. 

"No. Thank you" Emma muttered with narrowed eyes that were screaming for him to go find some other, more willing, girl to hit on. 

"Okay, baby, whatever you say" he chuckled, flipping his bangs to the side as they had fallen into his eyes. He almost tumbled over at the slight shift of balance, Emma's eyes rolling at the drunken display. "So you wanna like go upstairs or something?" he asked, attempting to put a smolder on his face. 

Emma's narrowed eyes blinked at him in disbelief, her head shaking slowly. "Dude, you're like what 15? 16 years old?" she replied with sobering words, watching the boy recoil in offense. "No. The answers no. Now if you'll excuse me" Emma muttered, attempting to step around him. 

He slid in front of her, blocking her path. What he lacked in age, he made up for in height. The skinny kid loomed over her, his arms crossed over his chest in a pout. "Please, move out of my way" Emma said sternly, her hands clenching into anxious fists at her sides. 

The boy didn't move, his lips pulling into an angry snarl. Taking a deep breath, Emma squared her shoulders and stared right back into his dark eyes. "Move out of my way, or I will punch you in the throat" Emma threatened, her somber eyes conveying all the kid needed to know. 

"Whatever" he muttered as his imposing stance faltered. He turned away from her, dissolving into the moving crowd around him. 

A long sigh of relief slipped through Emma's lips, the adrenaline slowly leaving her system. "Go to the party, he said. It'll be fun, he said" Emma muttered to herself, shuddering as the thought of the creepy junior's voice made her skin crawl. 

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