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"I can't believe it" Charlotte breathed in awe, her wide eyes staring at the door in front of her. "We're actually going to a high school party. I never thought this would actually happen."

Emma smiled at her friend, laughing softly. She'd never thought she'd willingly go to one of these parties again, but she had hear through the grapevine that Dean was going. After their almost kiss, some things had become clear to Emma. And she knew Dean wouldn't say it, so after much thought, she decided she would. 

"Well, here we are. Now remember, don't take drinks from strangers, lemongrass is the S.O.S. text word, and try not to drink too much" Emma listed her warnings, watching Charlotte nod with eyes glimmering with excitement. 

"Yes. Absolutely" Charlotte agreed eagerly, turning back to face the door. Taking a deep breath, Charlotte ran her hands through her long, straight hair that hung down her back. "How do I look?" 

"Stunning" Emma grinned as Charlotte blushed. "I told you the black romper would look killer on you" she explained, gesturing to the long sleeved, midnight black romper that accentuated Charlotte's small waist and thin legs.   

"Well, you look amazing too" Charlotte replied, admiring the soft waves in Emma's golden blonde hair, and the way her toned arms looked under the sleeves of her navy blue dress. 

"Basically, we're killing it. Now, let's get partying" Emma said with an enthusiastic cheer before pushing open the door, ending their little pep talk. 

Music instantly flooded the calm night, the floor vibrating beneath them as they stepped inside. Charlotte's eyes were wide as she looked around the large living room where kids stood on tables, a stereo pumped out music, and a teenager made drinks. 

The dim lights casted a shadow on the scene, a suspicious smoke making the air hazy. "Wow" Charlotte shouted over the pounding music, feeling overwhelmed by the strong scent of alcohol and weed that assaulted her nose. 

"Was it everything you'd hoped and dreamed of?" Emma shouted back with a playful grin, watching Charlotte shrug. She hated to disappoint her, but parties never looked like they did in the movies. "Let's dance for a little" Emma suggested, grabbing Charlotte's hands before pulling her into the mass of kids that filled the middle of the room.

They fit right in, laughs escaping them as they moved to the beat along with their peers around them. The uptight, judgmental atmosphere that lingered in the concrete walls of the school seemed to fade, a mutual friendship extended between everyone there. 

And for a while, it was fun. The two best friends lost themselves in the music, jumping up and down to the beat before spinning each other around. Laughter slipped through their lips, smiles being exchanged as they couldn't help but enjoy the other's company. 

But then, Emma remembered one of the main reasons she had come here. The reason that had taken her all afternoon to build up the courage for. Leaning over to Charlotte, Emma said, "Hey, do you mind if I go take a look around? See if I can find Dean?" 

Charlotte grinned at her friend, breathless from the excitement and the dancing. "No problem. I'll do some of my own sleuthing, and maybe I'll meet someone" Charlotte grinned, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Emma who rolled her eyes in response. 

"Keep your phone on you" Emma reminded Charlotte who responded by belting out the lyrics to the song that came on. It amazed Emma that she hadn't yet had a drop to drink. 

Laughing to herself, Emma waded to the outskirts of the crowd. She walked around the living room, searching for the tall, broad set of shoulders. Emma's black boots clicked against the hardwood as she reached the hallway, looking into the kitchen and dining room where plastic bowls of snacks lay, along with various drinks. 

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