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Cool air nipped at her nose, the frigid wind slapping her face. Quick breaths slipped in and out of her chapped lips, her rapid moving lungs begging for more air. Sneakers slapped rhythmically against the slushy pavement, the brilliant sun glimmering on the slow melting snow. A fresh scent hung in the air, making each painful breath a little more bearable.

Emma's brown eyes were wide and alert as she ran down the street, her arms swinging by her sides in hopes that it would propel her faster. A burning sensation wrapped around her calves, climbing up into her thighs that were hidden under the black, running leggings.

Music was pumped into her ears, her phone fastened to her arm. The world around her melted away, her focus on her ragged breaths and aching muscles. The beat vibrated in her chest, pushing her farther and faster. The thoughts of the painful physics lab she had turned in today were washed away, worries about the upcoming test far from her thoughts.

It was just her, the road, and her breaths.

Until her serenity was broken by the roar of an engine, followed by a blaring beep. Emma jumped as her run came to a violent stop. Spinning around, her eyes grew wide as she spotted a black Mercedes rushing towards her.

Her heart seized in panic, her tired muscles suddenly paralyzed as she stared into the angry eyes of Nick Lewis, whose hand was pressed against the horn.

Making a quick choice, Emma turned back around, choosing to ignore the car that was racing towards her. Her hands clenched into fists, her eyes squeezing shut as she waited for it to stop. And at the last moment, Nick swerved around her before speeding away down the street.

As soon as the car was gone from sight, Emma ripped the headphones from her ears, bending over as she leaned on her knees. Tears of panic stung her eyes, her heart pounding feverishly against her ribs.

Taking deep, slow breaths, Emma pressed the heals of her hands into her eyes and tried to calm herself down. The sweat that coated her now felt cold, a chill running through her bones. Her stomach churned, cramps already beginning to ache.

Staring down at her shaking hands, Emma slowly stood back up. "You're okay" Emma breathed, rolling her shoulders back while tilting her chin up. "He only wins if you let it affect you" she reminded herself, jogging in place as she tried to work the nervous adrenaline out of her system.

Checking behind her, Emma found an empty road once again. She slowly put her earphones back in, taking one last calming breath. And with that, she set off down the road again, trying to focus on anything but the anxiety that pulsed through her veins.


Jaw clenched tightly, Emma threw her fists against the punching bag in rapid lunges. She punched and punched, only stopping to forcefully throw her foot against the defenseless dummy. Pausing for a breath, Emma seethed as she imagined someone, specific painted on the red plastic.

"I can't believe that asshole did that!" Charlotte exclaimed from where she was perched on the bleachers, her dark blue eyes full of concern. "I knew he would get pissy about the whole thing, he's just a pussy like that. But pretending he was going to hit you with his car..." Charlotte shook her head, gnawing on her lower lip.

Anger swelling in her once again, Emma charged forward before throwing another round of quick, forceful punches. "I believe it. That whole family is delusional. My family has been nothing but nice to his and now he's acting like some-some-"

"Fucking asshole, douchebag, shit-head!" Charlotte finished Emma's sentence, earning a nod of approval from Emma who wore a small grin.

"You stole the words right from my mouth" Emma chuckled tiredly, pulling off the black gloves before tossing them to Charlotte who caught them. Emma walked over to the bleachers, collapsing down before burying her head in her hands.

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