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"I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can not believe it" Charlotte repeated over and over again, her hands on her hips while she shook her head in disbelief. 

Emma scowled at her before pulling her tee shirt up and over her head. Stuffing it roughly into her gym bag, Emma straightened up to set Charlotte with a hard stare. "What can't you believe? The fact that D-" she paused, looking around the populated locker room before lowering her voice, "that Dean Forrester showed up at my window? Or are you still reeling from the fact that Nick and I had an explosive confrontation in front of the whole school?" 

A grin grew on Charlotte's face, her shoulders shrugging. "Both, I guess. I mean, come on. Emma, are you listening to how crazy that sounds? I mean-" she struggled to find words, her head shaking again in disbelief. "I can't believe it."

"I get it" Emma snapped suddenly, pulling her soft, grey sweater over her head. Charlotte's jaw snapped shut, her narrowed eyes watching Emma as she pressed her back against the lockers. Letting out a long breath, Emma let her eyes flutter shut. "Sorry, I'm just..."

"It's fine" Charlotte waved the commented away with a flick of her wrist. "I mean, I'd be a little edgy too if everyone in the school was talking about me, and one of the most notorious guys in school-"

Emma ran her hands rapidly up and down her jeans, her eyes shutting in a wince. A long breath slipped through her lips as she sunk to the ground, lowering her head between her knees. "I'm not helping, am I?" Charlotte said softly after a few beats of silence, moving to crouch down next to her friend. 

Glancing up at her, Emma shook her head. Charlotte nodded slowly, pulling at the pilled fabric that covered the knees of her navy leggings. "Is it your stomach again?" she asked Emma, drawing her eyes up from the ground. 

Inhaling another deep breath, Emma leaned her head back against the lockers while her hands pushed her hair back off of her forehead. "Yeah" Emma muttered as her jaw clenched shut. "It's this whole-whole situation."

"What do you mean?" Charlotte questioned, pushing up the sleeves of her large, white knit sweater that hung loosely on her small frame. Emma shrugged tiredly, her eyes studying the clock that notified her that it was time to start the trek to her next class. "Em, what do you mean?"

Sighing, Emma ran her tongue over her chapped lips. "I mean that I don't like this. I don't like being mean, even if someone deserves it. And I certainly don't like the whole school talking about it. People- they're looking at me differently. And it just-the stress of it all-" Emma breathed in frustration, shaking her head softly while pinching the bridge of her nose. 

Charlotte studied her friend, and knew she wasn't over exaggerating. Her eyes were bloodshot, and the purple bags under her eyes made it clear that Emma hadn't been sleeping well. Emma hadn't eaten anything all day either, something that only happens when she's stressed. "You should go home. Take a break and relax or something" Charlotte suggested, watching in confusion as Emma rose to her feet and swung her backpack over her shoulder. 

"No" Emma shook her head, taking a deep breath as she pressed her hand against her stomach. "I can't miss anymore classes. I have to go. But it's okay, only one class left." she explained with a convincing nod. 

Grabbing her own bag, Charlotte followed after Emma who made quick strides for the door. "I guess, if you say so" Charlotte agreed softly, knowing that Emma could barely focus when the pain got this bad. "But if it gets any worse-"

"Yes. I will go to the nurse" Emma agreed, attempting a smile that resembled a wince. Aching pains ran through her stomach, making her skin grow hot with anxiety. And then came the sharp pains, like knives stabbing her abdomen whenever she moved a certain way. 

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