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Leaning her head against her hand, a long sigh slipped through Emma's lips. Her eyes focused on the screen, her acceptance to UMASS displayed on the computer. The bottom portion of the screen read, 'Deposit Received'

It was official, Emma was going to college there. And she was excited about that, she really was. She was just praying that they would also accept Dean, even though his application would be late and his grades would barely be above their standards. The guidance consular had set up a meeting with an admissions consular to explain Dean's circumstances. 

Plus, he was doing better. With his dad being in jail, Dean's grades had already begun to increase, along with his motivation and effort. With the news of his dad being imprisoned, a distant relative came forward and offered to live in town with Dean, at least until he went to college. And so far, it's been great. 

Now it was just a waiting game to hear back from the school. 

A tap came from the window, a grin pulling at Emma's lips at the sight of Dean's familiar silhouette standing outside of the window. She couldn't help but chuckle as she stood up, admiring the fact that although Dean had become well known, and well loved, by the family, he still insisted on coming to the window instead of the front door. 

Warm evening light filtered in through the willowy shades, the floor seemingly heated beneath her bare feet. Pushing the curtains aside, Emma lifted the clear pane of glass before warm air filled with the scent of spring rolled into the room. 

"Hey" Dean grinned with his bright green eyes. Emma looked to the red rose that he held in his fidgeting hands, an eyebrow raised. "Oh this, yeah, uh- do you want to um go on a date? With me?" he asked, a pink hue rising on his freckled cheeks. 

A soft laugh escaped Emma, her heart fluttering at the gesture. Reaching out, she took the delicate rose into her hands. "Of course" Emma agreed, inhaling the familiar fresh scent that lingered on the soft, red petals. 

Her eyes rose to study Dean, admiring the golden beams that shone on the blonde highlights of his hair that had finally grown back to its original length. The scar on his cheek had grown less visible too, slowly fading into the matching pigment of his skin. 

"Great" Dean breathed, his smile growing wide as his eyes glimmered with excitement. "You ready to go now? I already have a place in mind. But I'm not telling. It's a surprise" he explained, his words tumbling out one over the other as excitement pumped through him. 

Emma chuckled at his excitement, admiring the lack of bruises on his glowing skin and the fresh eyed look that had now become more common than not. "Yeah, yeah. I'm ready, just let me get my shoes" Emma replied, slipping back into her room where she laid the rose down on her desk before retreating to her closet to grab a pair of sandals. 

"I'll be here" Dean sung, closing his eyes as he let the warm sunlight soak into his skin. A content exhale escaped him, an excited feeling of lightness lifting his heart. "Just waiting by the window." 


Waves crashed softly on the white sand that was soft beneath their feet. The air was heavy with the scent of salt, the gentle breeze carrying with it the distant call of seagulls. Emma let her eyes fall shut, tilting her head back as she inhaled the familiar scent, letting the wind tousle her hair. 

Dean studied her relaxed face, a smile pulling at his lips. The setting sun cast an orange glow on her familiar, yet still stunning, features, illuminating the whispy strands of hair that created a halo around her face. 

"Hey I meant to ask you, how's your stomach been lately? With the school year ending and everything?" Dean wondered, reflecting on the fact that recently their relationship had revolved around him: getting him safe, getting him a new home, getting him into college, getting him better. 

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