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"Charlotte, for the last time, I am O.K." Emma assured, holding the phone to her ear. Laying flat on her back, Emma sunk into the puffy comforter, staring up at the white ceiling. 

"Okay, okay. You can't blame a girl for asking" Charlotte surrendered, a hint of a smile in her voice. "Can I just say that I'm proud of you? For sticking up for yourself?" she added as Emma felt a blush rise on her cheeks. 

Laughing tiredly, Emma shrugged her shoulders. "Thanks Char, although I kind of just did what came to me. No planning there. In fact, I wish there had been. Now, thoughts are just running through my mind. I have so much I want to say to him" Emma ranted, the quick fading anger leaving her to sigh. 

"I know. But you said what was most important. So you should be proud of that" Charlotte encouraged, listening to Emma hum in agreement. "Listen, I've got to go to work but I'll be available on snapchat if you want to talk."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to you then" Emma said, pulling the phone away from her ear before pressing the circular red button at the bottom of the screen. Sighing softly, Emma let her arms fall to her sides. 

Eyes fluttering shut, Emma slowed her breathing until she could hear the quiet that coated the house. It was rare, to find such a still moment. Lanny and Zack were out of the house for the night because there was a football game a few towns over. Emma's parents were out to a business dinner, before they would stay the night in a hotel. 

It happened rarely, but Emma took her chance to enjoy the silence. A loud wind howled outside, the wooden boards of the house groaning in response. It was starting off as an unbelievably chilly spring, with winds that could almost push one over. 

But at that moment, Emma didn't mind the wind. It was a gentle hum that helped ripple the still pool of silence that made Emma antsy. Settling down into the bed, Emma took in another deep breath before letting it out through her lips. 

And then, shattering the still silence, was a knock. 

Sitting up, Emma's eyes were wide as they fell upon the window. "You've got to be kidding me" Emma breathed, anger pumping through her veins. How much clearer could she have been? Last time Emma checked, 'have a nice life' meant don't ever talk to me again. 

Emma jumped up from the bed, fists clenched by her sides as she stormed towards the window, ready to lay into Dean. Sure, she had been a little harsh during their last encounter, but she had been holding back. If he really needed her to restate the message, the wording wouldn't be so gentle. 

Fuming to herself, Emma grabbed the edge of the window and jerked it upwards. "I swear to God, I-"

The frigid wind that rushed into her room stole the breath from her lungs. Dean shivered in the shadows of the night, his teary eyes casted on the dark ground beneath him. Large, purple bruises blossomed around both eyes, one practically swollen shut. The bridge of his nose looked cracked, blood running from the spot of contact. Blood covered his lips, both from his nose and a gash in the skin. 

All the anger drained from her body, as if it had never existed at all. "Dean" Emma whispered, tears rising in her throat as worry misted her eyes. His lower lip trembled, as if he was about to break into tears. He couldn't bring his eyes to meet hers, keeping them on the ground. 

"Come inside" Emma breathed, stepping back from the window as all the doubt swirling around allowing him in was swept away by the panic that came with the sight of him so broken and beaten. 

Dean gave a small nod, pressing his bloody hands against the window sill before lifting himself up. Swinging his legs inside, his side hit the window frame, a soft cry slipping from his lips. Emma's eyes were rimmed with worry as she watched him straighten up. 

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