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The golden sunlight seeped through her eyelids, awakening her to a world of orange. Her mind worked slowly, delicately pulling itself from the world of sleep. Emma soon came into consciousness, a heavy weight against her, warmth coating her skin. 

Eyes fluttering open, brown irises stared at the bright, white ceiling above her. A soft yawn escaped her along with a little groan, the deep sleep still clinging to her muscles. As the bright world around her began to come into focus, Emma's eyes fluttered down to her chest.

There lay Dean, his cheek smushed against her. One arm was slung over her middle, the other curled against his chest. A soft smile pulled at her lips as the fuzzy memories of their conversation from the previous night began to come into focus. 

Her gentle eyes ran over the dried blood that covered his nose and lips, and the dark bruises that flowered around his sealed eyes. His long lashes were still, the sunlight illuminating the golden highlights in his hair. Staring at him in the morning light, Emma felt a swell in her chest that was like the scent of spring; beautiful and tender, but impossible to explain. 

Gaze shifting to the window, Emma found bright blue skies that held the early morning sun. The storm had passed, leaving golden beams to wash the darkness from the world around them. Wind no longer howled, leaving the house to rest in peaceful silence. 

Emma removed her fingers from Dean's hair, placing her hand on his shoulder before giving him a light push. Slowly, she slipped out from beneath him, pausing in hopes that he hadn't woken up. A soft moan escaped his lips, but after a moment, his arms pulled a pillow closer to him as he settled in. 

A sigh of relief escaped her as she stood up, a grin on her lips at the sight of bliss that didn't usually color Dean's face. Tip toeing to the door, Emma slipped out of the room and into the hallway. 

The cool, hardwood was chilly beneath her bare feet as she walked into the kitchen. Her mind was still sluggish, her body still riddled with sleep, but she knew that last night had changed things. Emma couldn't help but let optimism swell in her chest, knowing that they were okay again, and things were only going to get better. 

Moving quietly, Emma reached into the cabinets where she pulled out the bottle of Advil and a tall, thin glass that she proceeded to fill with water. Bending down, Emma pulled open the freezer where she searched for the ice pack, her hand eventually scratching its icy surface. A shiver escaped her as she grabbed it, standing back up before closing the freezer with her foot. 

She collected her make-shift kit, walking back down the hallway where she stopped in the bathroom, grabbing a facecloth before running it under lukewarm water. With it in hand, she returned to her room. 

After setting the items down on the nightstand table, Emma floated to the window where she pulled the glass up. A warm breeze drifted lazily through the room, bringing with it the scent of spring. The faint sound of birds chirping accompanied the soft rustling of the trees, bringing life to the silent house. 

Emma returned to the bed, sitting down on the edge of the mattress. Laying her hand on his back, Emma shook him softly. "Dean" Emma hummed lightly, unable to wipe the smile from her face. He lay unresponsive, another heavy breath slipping through his lips. "Dean" she sung louder. 

A groan of protest escaped him as he began to shift, clumsily rolling onto his back. He threw his arm over his eyes as a small yawn escaped him. "Rise and shine" Emma laughed quietly, squeezing his upper arm. 

Arm falling back to his side, Dean's eyes slowly fluttered open, his irises a stunning emerald in the early morning light that was cast in through the window. His eyebrows pulled together in confusion for a moment as he tried to gather his bearings. But as his gaze landed on Emma, it all clicked into place. 

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