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The room was quiet, just the soft sound of her breaths filling the air. Her blank eyes focused in and out on the white ceiling above her, oblivious to her backpack that sat at the base of her desk, the one with a homework assignment enclosed. There was no motivation, her mind refusing to be occupied. 

So she remained still, thrown over her bed, arms laying limply by her sides as she stared up at the ceiling. She was tired, exhausted even. It felt like she had been drained of all energy, drained of all joy. So she laid there, hoping that she'd fall asleep. 

But her mind kept replaying the scene, forcing her to remember his words once again. Every time the words echoed in her head, she winced, feeling that familiar sting once again. 

Emma grabbed a pillow, hugging it to her chest as she rolled onto her side. A long, forlorn sigh escaped her, but no tears came. She had already spent all of her tears for the day. So her dry eyes fell shut, another heavy breath escaping her as the weight on her chest only grew. 

A knocking sound broke the silence, Emma's eyes opening slowly. Rolling onto her other side, Emma listened as the knocking sound rung out again. It was coming from the window, and Emma already knew who stood outside. 

Curling up tighter, Emma didn't move. She gripped the pillow in her fists, biting down on her lip in hopes that he would leave. But she should've known that he wouldn't. He knocked again, louder this time. "Emma, please. I know you're in there" Dean said, his voice muffled by the barrier of glass 

Sighing, Emma pushed herself up into a sitting position. She ran her hands over her face before slowly rising to her feet. An anxious feeling made her stomach churn, a weak sensation seeping into her knees. Trudging towards the window, Emma wished she had fallen asleep. That way she wouldn't have to see him.  

But as she reached the window, there he was, standing in the dark, illuminated only by the soft light that spilled from her window. Reluctantly, Emma pulled open the glass which allowed a slow breeze to wash over her. 

Dean's gentle green eyes stared up at her, his eyebrows arched in regret. "Hi" Dean breathed softly, his hands tucked into the pockets of his black jacket. Emma only nodded in response, her hands set firmly on the window sill. "Can I come in?" he asked quietly, unsure of where they stood. 

"I don't think that's a good idea" Emma responded softly, her eyes casted on the dark grass behind him. After seeing that hatred that had radiated from his eyes, Emma wasn't sure she could look into them again. 

"Okay" Dean agreed, trying to hide the hurt that bubbled up inside him. "I understand." 

Emma nodded again, drumming her fingers impatiently on the worn, white wood. A long sigh escaped her, the silence that hung between them weighing heavily on her. Dean rocked back and forth on his heels, studying the face that he longed to see a smile on. 

"Why are you here?" Emma questioned bluntly, watching Dean's eyes grow wide. "I'm leaving you 'the fuck alone', just like you asked. So why are you here?" 

Dean winced at her words, a blush of embarrassment flooding his cheeks. "Emma, I'm sorry. I came to apologize" Dean admitted, panic seizing his heart as her hard expression didn't melt with the confession. 

"Great. Thanks. Whatever." Emma responded coldly, crossing her arms over her chest as she set Dean with a foreign stare. Dean's eyebrows pulled together in confusion, his lips parted in questioning. "As far as I'm concerned. I don't know you." 

"Emma" Dean whimpered softly, shaking his head as tears wrapped around the bottom of his throat. "I didn't mean it. You know I didn't mean it." 

Rolling her eyes, Emma released a sour laugh. "It sounded pretty damn convincing to me, Dean." 

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