i really need to eat some food

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i'm super hungry, sitting on the couch at my mums house. we just watched a few episodes of trevor noah and now i need to eat some food pronto 🙃

my glasses are off but it feels like they're on and that confuses me a lot

i've got a lot of photos of gerard way with their tongue out and i'd like to share one of them with you

i've got a lot of photos of gerard way with their tongue out and i'd like to share one of them with you

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heck that's really hot @ gee

i wish i could just curl up in a ball of disease and get hugs from mikey way or something but ha nope i get to drink pineapple gatorade instead lmao

i feel really!! really!! sick!!

ha i haven't done any of my homework for school and i'm really hoping i'm better tomorrow so i can pretend to be sick and maybe finish that

i'm such a bad student

my hip hurts and my arm was hurting earlier and my knees always hurt in the morning and my eyes hurt and my entire life is a mess of pain and i can't handle it

lowkey wanna listen to the nutcracker, highkey don't

everyone comment your favourite p!atd album, mine is a fever you can't sweat out

i also really love pretty. odd.

ugh my eyes hurt again bye

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