YOU ARE READING ☆彡✨spam✨☆彡 Aléatoire lmao hey welcome to my second spam book it's just as emo as the last one i say lmao and ha way too much ⚠️trigger warnings⚠️ mentions suicide, self harm, drug use, alcoholism, homicide, swearing, sexual content, and other stuff idk #adventure #cringe #emo #fairy #frank #gay #gerard #iero #lgbt #lmao #mcr #mikey #pansy #plastic #rawr #ray #toro #way birdman kicked my ass; 19 6 0 by coollittledude by coollittledude Follow Share Publier sur Votre Profil Partager par Courriel Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Publier sur Votre Profil Partager par Courriel Signaler l'histoire i heckin love wesley willis y'all need to listen to him please he's amazing oh!! the text post!! it's gonna be at the end of the chapter eek short chapter bois Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. xo