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gerard way has beautiful eyes and i have awful skin this world is super unfair

i am a mess right now

y'know what's really weird ?? nobody seems to like this spam book as much as they liked my other book

i can't see why


"i'm sorry i didn't make anything else" same @ mom

i honestly miss when i wasn't sick because now i don't even feel like i'm gonna be better. i just feel like i'm dying. it's like i've got cancer and i know i'm gonna die and there's nothing that can stop it. i should probably take some medicine lmao

oh gosh i'm so fckin tired

right after my shower i literally spent like 20 minutes sweating my ass off and just lying on my bed dying inside

and now i'm just lying on my bed dying inside but at least i'm not sweating 😎

tfw you got your hair in a foam roller for that perfect curl 👌

tfw you got your hair in a foam roller for that perfect curl 👌

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my neck needs to chill omg

so my dog bit me in a sensitive part of my hand and it hurts

i'm in pain all over can someone please shoot me and make it stop ??

listen to this song okay

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