it's not so pleasant and it's not so conventional.

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i fckin hope i can get eli's number tomorrow, that would actually be incredible FRICK. i try too hard whoops 🙃. i'm just lying on my bed listening to afycso and,, writing,, why.

shoot i wanna have a party where my friends and i just sit around and listen to albums we all love and laugh a lot. that would be amazing wowza i really really want that. i'd probably invite a lot of people to that though. whoops lmao.

i got sick of afycso so i'm listening to the queen is dead. oh!! i have a story

i had fake blood on my mouth and really pretty bruise makeup on my cheek this morning and my mom made me take it off and all my friends say it's fair and i'm still lowkey salty at her. smh @mom why do you ruin all my fun!!

idk why i'm trying to write so much but here have a video that represents me emotionally. (watch the full thing)



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