you ruin everything

21 4 6

i'm turning into action cat gerard istg. this is a problem why am i so emotional!!! i should really tell my therapist more things but i don't wanna talk to her i don't trust her. i hate therapy it's not good for me and i trust my friends to help me more than someone who i only see a few times a month.

"And I still miss you
Say I missed you too
Still I miss you
Say I missed me too
Still I missed you
Say I missed me too"

i fckin love action cat but i'm such a mess right now it's probably not good for me. i'm a wreck and nobody can fix that and i was wrong to think that anyone could help me. i was always wrong because i was naive and inconsiderate and thoughtless and simpleminded and needy. i was so needy and that made me hurt in the first place. okay why am i being so emo i'm gone bye

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