Kokichi Ouma x Fem!Reader ~{Rooms}~

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Au where the killing game didn't happen.

You hugged your dad and Mr Maichi, your coach, and waved a 'Good Bye' as you got into the car that was going to drive you to the airport, then to your new school. You had finished a competition in Germany and you had a long flight to Japan.

You was a world famous Figure Skater, winning competitions all over the world. And here you were sat in a car going to school, as the shsl Figure Skater.

You had your favourite dress coat on, it was fancy, hiding the fact you were wearing black shorts and along with a comfy top and jumper. Though your boots looked formal, they were supeeeerrrr comfortable. (Sort of like Junko's but white laces and fluffy inside.) then above your boot, just under your knee, you had a (fave/colour) necker tied. You don't like things around your neck so you decided to have it there, don't judge!

 You don't like things around your neck so you decided to have it there, don't judge!

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(Coat based off Weiss Schnee's outfit in volume 2)

Walking onto the school grounds, many people recognised you. You signed autographs and smiled. It soon got crowded and your security had to move people in out of the way, you feel bad when that happens, but you feel worse with being crowed because you're small (sorry but you is tiny). You run ahead due to having a claustrophobic moment and you burst into tears.

You make it to what seems to be the lunch hall, even worse for someone with claustrophobic moments... Your head guard text you telling that all of your things are in your room and that they were leaving. You thanked them, of course.

You see that the lunch hall was actually quite empty. You walk to a drink machine and get (fave/soft/drink).

You open your drink and have a sip, as you were walking and closing the lid you walked into someone. Your (f/s/d) spilt all over you and you hiss slightly.

"Can this day get any worse?!" You shout at yourself, pick up the now empty drink and put it in the bin.

The person you bumped into stood and picked up your phone, handing it over.

You grab it and notice the screen is smashed.

"Fuck!" You look at the boy, that I must add got no (f/s/d) on him, and he smiles.

"You're (Y/n) (L/n)?" He smiled, he was small but still taller than you.

You sigh "yes" you look at the necker and it was stained and sticky. "No no no!" You took the necker off your leg, quickly bowed and left.


You took off your coat, luckily everything under it was bone dry.

You cleaned your necker and boots before you collapsed on your bed.

Then a knock at your door.

"W-whaaat " you cry and open the door. The boy stood there with his hands behind his back.

"I want to say sorry about earlier" he handed you a bottle of (f/s/d). You swear this was one of the nicest gestures a boy has ever done, you felt your cheeks heat up a little.

"You didn't need t-"

"I insist." He said boldly, you step aside as an invitation to come into your room. He walks in and seems shocked. You close the door.

"So what's your name? You obviously know mine" you said tying your (h/c) hair into a ponytail.

" Kokichi Ouma" he giggled. You knew that name and you felt a chill down your spine.

You looked at him and he was looking about.

"What's the matter, Ouma?" You sat down.

"Your room is so big, it's bigger than mine and I'm sharing with a green haired g-." You giggle.

"Amami?" You said before he continued.

"You know him?"

"Not really. Only acquainted." He nods and you giggle before having a sip of (f/s/d)

You yawn and stretch.

"It's only 2 pm and you're tired?" Ouma questioned.

"I flew in from Germany and didn't get a wink of sleep" you were one to be unknowingly doing something when you are tired. You cuddled Ouma and fell asleep. He blushed slightly and let you sleep, brushing your loose hairs behind your ears.


You were in class with Ouma waiting for your fellow classmates to walk in, first glue would fall on them, then you and Ouma was going to throw a mix of glitter and flour into them.

Your unlucky victim was Kaede and you giggled as she tried to hug you to: "Share the sparkle"

Angie giggled as you and Ouma highfived and Kirumi screamed at the mess.

"You know you two would be cute together" Angie said, few people agreeing. You blushed and stuttered at the statement.

"I-I uh" Ouma suddenly grabs your hand, spinning you around, and kisses you. You freeze for a moment, but you relax and wrap your arms around him. When you pull away, you both blush putting tomatoes to shame.

"So, what do you say? Do you want to be a couple?" You giggle.

"Yes. I'd love to!" You both share another kiss and Angie smiles at her achievement. Kirumi actually stops complaining for a minute to smile at you and Ouma.


It was night and you had Ouma cuddled against you.

"Wanna move into my 'HUGE' room?"

"Of course" you both laughed.

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