Kokichi Ouma x Suicidal!Liar!Fem!Reader ~{I know now}~

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Damn that title is wordy!


You sat in your room. Crying your eyes out, the tears wouldn't stop coming. You felt like the room would flood any minute. You took deep breaths, it didn't work.

You ran to the kitchens, startling your friend Ouma as you burst out of the door.

You get to the kitchens and you look in all the trays.

"What are you doing?" Ouma stood in the doorway and you continued looking.

"I'm looking for something" you quickly snapped

"What are looking for?" He watched you.

"Matches" you lied and he chuckled.

"I know you're lying..." You spot the knife and you grab it quickly.

"No I'm not. Maybe I'm going to burn down this whole place and everyone in it" you lied again and he smirked at you.

"No you won't, you're suicidal... Not a serial kill." He steps forward and you point the knife at him. "You wouldn't dare hurt me"

"I would" you lied again and he sighs. He grabs the knife, you let him take control, he takes it away and you cry. He throws the knife away and hugs you.

"You can't lie to me..." You sob into his chest and he strokes your hair, it soothed you to some extent.

"I-I'm sorry Ouma-kun..." He smiled sadly as you bawled. You were apologising constantly. He lifts your chin and wipes some tears away.

"It's ok... You need some rest..." He puts an arm around you and takes you to his room. He tucks you into the duvet and you grab his hand.

"Please don't leave me on my own" you whined, your hand was cold. Ouma smiles and laid down beside you. He kisses your forehead before turning off the lamp in his room and he never opened the curtains anyway. Your cheeks lay a pink tint on them as you closed your eyes.

"I love you Kokichi..."

"I love you too (Y/n)..."

You both share a loving kiss before sleeping side my side.


Ouma woke up without you next to him, he panicked and ran around looking for you.

"(Y/n)!" He called and Saihara was near by and he stared at him.

"Ouma-kun, (Y/n) killed herself a week ago" Saihara said sadly. He passed her suicide note to him.

"I love you Kokichi"

Ouma started cry and he collapses.

"I love you too..."

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