Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Fem!Reader ~{First 'Friend'}~

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In the killing game.

You hugged you pillow. You had only been here a few days and you were 'long gone' or 'lost in thought'

You are the Shsl Assistant. You were normally good at a lot of things as long as you had someone in charge, but with you all being kids, there was no one. Well there was Togami but you didn't like him at all, he was too arrogant and Fukawa was probably following him.

You hear a knock. You get up, still hugging the pillow. You open the door to see Ishimaru standing there.

"MISS (L/N) YOU ARE REQUESTED TO MEE-" you wince at his loud voice.

"Inside voice Ishimaru" you said just so he could hear.

"Apologies Miss. But Monokuma wishes to speak with you. Also are you ok? You look quite... Teary?" You smile slightly.

"Don't you worry about it, it's only shock." He nods and attempts a smile. You giggle he's kinda cute. What am I thinking!? Cute?!

"It's my job to protect and care for my classmates."

"Then let's be friends, not only classmates." You put your hand out "let's start with an introduction: Hello! I'm (Y/n) (L/n), but you can call me (N/n). I'm the Shsl Assistant."

He shakes your hand firmly, he's strong!

"IM KI-" you shush him and gesture you hand to tell him to keep it down. "I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru... I don't really have a nickname. I'm the Shsl Moral Compass (USE THE FANCY NAMMMMME)." You smile.

"Taka." You say and he just looks confused.

"What is Taka?" You giggle at his response.

"That's your new nickname!" You look at your hand and blush as you notice Taka had your hand in his.

"Oh... Thank you." He blushed, he never had friends before. You smile and you suddenly gasp.

"You said I have to meet Monokuma, right?"

"Oh, yes! I'll walk you there so you are safe and not late." You giggle and you put the pillow back, grab your ebook thing and close the door.

On the way there your hand got cold due to not having Taka holding it. You quickly take his hand and he blushes again and looks at you. You quickly glance at him.

"Aww. Taka you're blushing~!" His face gets redder and he looks away, embarrassed.

"It's weird having a friend. I'm not used to it." He simply says.

"You will, we'll leave here together." He smiles and nods.

You make it to your destination.

"Here you go (L-... (N/n)." You give him a hug.

"Thanks Taka." You blush slightly.

"I'll wait out here for you."


"I have two things for ya" Monokuma says in his annoying voice.


"I want you to be my assistant" then his aura becomes really sad "it's ok if you don't want to..."

"I'm sorry... But I'll have to decline for now"

"Oh ok... The second thing is that your room need to go under work. The shower is broken and I need a day to fix it. You have to share with someone for the night." You nod.

"Ok Mr Monokuma." You say and you a dismissed and you leave.


"Is everything ok (N/n)? Did he hurt you?" Taka grabs you and scans you for any damage but you just giggle at him.

"You're so sweet." He blushes and hugs you as a sign of he's grateful of you being ok. "Though... Can I stay with you? My room needs work doing to it."

"Of course, my friend!"


You walked into his room and he insists you have the bed while he had the sofa. You refused and said you can just share the bed.

The night announcement went off and you got into bed with your new found friend.

"It's freezing..." You whisper.

"I think the temperature is just fine" he whispers back.

"Taka~" you hug him, he was perfectly warm. You were cuddling him, then you notice he was shirtless. You brush it off and instantly sleep.

"Ah- oh... Night..." He put an arm around you protectively and slept with you cuddled into him. What you both didn't know, you were falling for each other... Very early.


You wake up peacefully to see Kiyotaka looking down at you with a blush.

"The wake up alarm went off 1 hour ago... But I decided to let you sleep due to free time because there has been no murders or anything." You smile and cuddle Taka closer.

"You are too sweet" then he does the unexpected and kisses the top of your head. You blush bright red and look at him. "T-Taka"

"Sorry!!" You giggle and cup his cheek.

"Don't be sorry... But you know you missed?" You kiss him and he kisses back, the best he can. He rolls you both over and you find yourself under him by the end of the kiss. You remember that you were friends with Taka before the game.

"I don't know what this feeling is but I want to kiss you more!"

"Love, Taka. It's so soon but I do love you"

"I love you too (N/n)" you both share another kiss, but you are stopped when someone knocks on the door.

"Ishimaru? We can't find (L/n)!" Naegi shouts through the door.

"It's ok. I'm here!" You silently boop Taka's nose.

"What are you doing in there?"

"My room is under work so I'm staying with Taka. Don't worry we are good friends" you wink and he blushes.

"Then why can I hear Ishimaru?" Asks curiously from behind the door.

"I'm here Classmate" you hold his hand. "I am safe along with (N/n)"

"Sleeping in the same room, Nicknames and 'good friends'... Are you guys dating?"

"Well I do love her" he boasts and you giggle

"I guess you can say that Naegi..."

"Ok I'm going now, don't forget about breakfast!" And he ran away to tell the others.

"That was brave of you"

"Just for you"

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