Byakuya Togami x Childish!Fem!Reader

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You watched Toko spy on Togami as you picked up another 3 books.

"Fukawa-san why do you spy on Togami-kun?" You asked her and Togami turns and looks at her.

"Because she's a creep." You gasp

"You shouldn't say that sort thing!" You say with an angry babyish voice.

"You're just as bad." He squinted.

"Ruuuude!" You walk past him. "So I can't call you a creep for being fascinated by Genocider Syo's actions?" You smirked and his cheeks go pink with embarrassment.

"Touché, (L/n)-san" you giggled and cross you legs.

"I don't understand how you can like murder mystery novels, I'm more into the fantasy or action sort thing. Like Hunger games is set in a Dystopia that won't happen, hopefully, and the Capitol was Utopia the sectors couldn't have. It's quite exciting..." You smiled and Togami stared at you.

"That's the smarted thing I've ever heard you say." He kept a poker face.

"Thank you! I try my best" you smile and giggle again.

"If you weren't so childish you would be perfect" he mumbled.

"Perfect for what?" You tilt your head and he blushes as he knew you heard him.


"Perfect for whaaat~~" you walk over and get closer.

"It doesn't matter"

"If you bring it up then you shouldn't be afraid to say it again or explain it." You poke his cheek and he glares at you.

The truth his he loved everything about you apart from how childish you were. There was only so much he could take and you went over that line.

"It doesn't matter!" You step back, he had never really shouted at you before. You look down and sit back in your seat.

"You know... No one can be perfect... We all have flaws, even you Togami-kun" you look away "so I'd never be perfect for what you want me for." You stand up and you skipped out of the room. Togami sighed and watched you skip away. You were right.

You had your moments when you would get serious but you changed to your childish behaviour instantly.


You were eating a popsicle (cas you missed ;3) in the cafeteria and Togami walks by, looking at you, not glaring for once.

You gave a small wave and he looks away for a second before walking over and sitting by you.

"What's up Togami-Kun?" Your eyes shined as they waited for his answer, he noticed this glow. He smiled slightly and you gasped "YOU SMILED!" You pointed out and he suddenly poker faces.

"What are you on about?" You pouted.

"You have a nice smile... Smile more!" You demand.

"Are you telling me what to do?" He asks a little annoyed yet playfully.

"Yep! Smile Togami-Kun~" you squish his cheeks and giggle as he turns pink.

"Get off me" he grabs your hands and holds them, you blush and look at Togami as he kept a straight face.

"Why don't you smile, aren't you happy to be with me?" You frown and he sighs.

"Meet me in the library tonight, okay?" He says flustered. Someone over heard you both and smirked.


You spot a note under your door.


-Byakuya Togami

You smiled and held the letter to your chest, you were going to get some alone time with your crush.

4:48pm. You're gonna be late, you quickly checked the light make up you put on and ran out of the door.

You had a nice green dress in due to you wanting to look serious while he talks to you.

You giggle and blush as you imagine what he will say to you.

You walk through the doors with a smile. But everything soon was black.


Byakuya was thinking of what you said in the library about not being perfect and he realised he wouldn't love you without your childish trait. He walks through the doors to see you leant against the bookshelf, lifeless. You held the note in your hand, a smile plastered on your face. When he looked at the note he noted you kissed it.

"She loved me..." He whispered as tears threatened his eyes.


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