Kaito Momota x Fem!Reader ~{N-no}~

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Not in the killing game

You were 7. You spotted a comet fly by and you told your dad, who was a scientific communicator. When your dad checked, it wasn't in the records and he told the team and you were recognised as the youngest astronomer to ever be.

Now you were at Hopes Peak as the Shsl Astronomer to no surprise. You made friends with Angie instantly. She loved art and you did also like it to some extent.

But you sure did love to hate that Astronaut. He acted like he was the best for 'he has been in space and I only stare at it'. Though there was something you love about him, you didn't know what.

"Hey Star starer!" You turn to see someone completely different to Kaito. It was a kid from another class. "Get a real talent." A girl comes up to you and punches you in the nose, causing it to bleed. Now you knew who he was. He was the Shsl Bully, a bit stupid.

"You better stop that." You look to see Kaito and the younger kids run off. Kaito walks over and looks at your bloody nose. "Come on I'll sort your nose"

You follow silently and clutch your nose, to stop the bleeding.

"Why are you being nice? I bet this is a trick!" You stop following him and he turns to see you had run away.

"I just wanted to become friends..." He whispers, a frown on his face as he spins on his heel and continues walking.


You sort your nose in the bathroom and you look in the mirror.

"I'm just a stupid star gazer, why am I here."

"And I'm just a stupid maid, doesn't stop me from thinking my title isn't as deserving as the others." Kirumi walks out of a stall and smiles slightly "Don't beat yourself over it, you are here beside you are the best at what you do, hobby, job or born talent... What would your dad say?"

"He would say 'keep your head high, but not as high at the sky... That's arrogance. You want only just enough confidence'" Kirumi smiles and pats your shoulder, you walk out of the toilets to bump into someone, they catch you under your arm before you actually fall.

"Knew you were in there." You see Kaito who has a strong hold of you.

"Why are you following me!?" You push him away

"I want to be your friend!" He shouts back. You look at him and he was serious.

"Y-you're not lying?" You say.

"I'm not lying. I realise that in so many ways we are the same. But we still have many differences." He grabs your hand and gives a smile "so can we be friends?"

"You have to earn my trust after what you put me through"

"Fine. When I was 12 I broke my ankle by falling into a pool. I have never told anyone that before" You laugh a little.

"That's pathetic! When I was 9 I broke my arm by falling on grass!"

"Ok that is pretty bad, but you trusted me." You see a smile appear on his face and on yours too.

"Fair enough, but we kinda exchanged secrets?"

"Shush. I still got to know more about you" You blushed slightly in how he was dealing with this.

"Well what do you normally do?" You ask him.

"I just walk about. I don't do much, you?"

"Well you can guess what I do"

"Stargazing by any chance?" He asks.

"Omg! How did you get that!" You said sarcastically and you giggle as he blushes.

"You have a nice laugh" you blush once again and look at him.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"N-no" he looks away and you grab his hand. You walk to the front of school.

"Meet me outside the front gate and we can go into the town for a drink, maybe?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" He says with a smile.

"N-no!" You cross your arms as your face goes bright red.

"Ok then. I'll meet you there" you smile and walk to class.


"- Then he fell off and I could swear I felt the ground shake" you burst out with laughter as Kaito told you a story of how one time saw a fat man fall off a swing. Kaito chuckled at how cute your laugh was. "Any stories?"

"Um... There is one... But it's not a funny one... There's this guy who was quite harsh towards a girl and even though all of it, she forgave him when he wanted to apologise. She actually had a crush on him. She still doesn't know if the guy likes her back"

"I know a story like that but it's the guy who likes the girl and still doesn't know" you smile and see the sunset.

"Geez we have been here a while... Wanna stargaze with me?" Kaito nods and you grab his hand and walk to the fields.

When you get there, you lay on the grass. Kaito looked at you as you intently stared at the sky.

"(Y/n)." You turn you head to meet with Kaito's purple eyes. He had budged closer and you could see stars in his eyes. "I wanted to tell I love you."

"I love you too" he smiles and you share a kiss under the stars. You shiver as the cold wind travels down your spine.

He takes off his jacket and wraps it around you. You giggle and kiss him again. He wraps his arms around your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. You pull away and he sits up, bringing you along with it.

"But I've been so mean to you..." He said quietly.

"And...? There was something about you that intrigued me" he brushes your hair back.

"I don't know how to deal with crushes...." You giggle

"Well I'm here now, aren't I?"

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