Kiibo x Fem!Reader ~{Sleepy}~

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You were sat having some tea while talking with Kiibo, he couldn't eat or drink so he just sat, waiting you for you to finish taking a sip of your drink so you could talk to him some more.

"Kiibo-kun, you're awfully quiet today... Is something on your mind?" He shakes his head "remember you can tell me anything..."

"I'm ok (l/n)-san" you smile at him and pat his head.

"I think it's this game, it's getting to you isn't it, d-"

"Kiibo~!!!" You turn to see Ouma impatiently standing in the doorway.

"Do you want me to shoo him away for you, Kiibo-kun?" He shakes his head and shuffles over to Ouma quickly.

You sigh and sip at your tea sadly. You liked the robot but you felt as if he didn't like you or that he thought you were too awkward. You look back to see him long gone, maybe he doesn't enjoy your company anymore like he used to.

You finished with your tea and you clean up and walk back to your room.

"(L/n)-chan?" You turn to see Angie stood behind you. "You don't look very happy..." She gives you a hug and you felt nothing. You give her a smile.

"I feel better now..." You lied and waved as you continued walking.

You were sat on your bed, in shorts and a tank top. You were tired, you didn't sleep due to all the worry you got build inside you. You heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Kiibo." You opened the door to see a blushing Kiibo, his ahoge wasn't in it normal shape and he held out flowers.

"Kiibo-kun....." You smiled as you accepted the flowers. You gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you..." You smile and Kiibo notices how tired you looked.

"Sorry for bothering you..." He says and you laugh slightly.

"I wasn't even sleeping. I haven't slept for days." He gasps and pushes you back into your room. He tucks you into bed and treats you like your a child. "Kiibo. I'm not a kid"

"Are you scared that someone will attack you in your sleep?"

"A-a bit"

"Then I'll protect you!" He sits in the chair by your bed.

"I love you"

"Sleep, (y/n)." He kisses your forehead and you drift into a deep sleep.

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