Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Fem!Reader ~{Be Happy}~

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On the island

You were looking out at the sea. It was the only thing to calm you.

You are the Shsl General. You were accepted as a solider by the age of 10 and you flew through your ranks to be a General.

Most couldn't take your Shsl seriously because you are 5', but when they laugh, you certainly give them a taste of what you learned. Like Akane, she took the piss and you swiftly got her into a painful headlock that she struggled and never got out of.

When the trail for Togami's death came, people suspect you because you could use any method to kill. But you were one to only kill the enemy, not your allies.

"(Y/n)" you turn around to see Chiaki stood tiredly.


"The others are grouping up at the diner." You stood up and walked behind Chiaki.

When you get there, people give you glares. You were never appreciated after screaming at Hiyoko, because she uses crocodile tears. The only people who trusted you were Fuyuhiko, Peko and Mikan. There are people who are on neither side. You sat down and looked at the food presented in front of you.

"What's the matter, General?" You look at Peko.

"Just call me (Y/n). Please" she nods "and I just can't be trusted when I never kill allies..." You rest your head on the table "I've tried to convince them but they just say I'm dangerous."

"I'm sorry. I don't really get that much due to them thinking that I'm some sort of cool ninja" you hum in response to her and you hear Fuyuhiko walk over.

"What happened this time?" He sighs

"She's upset again" Peko gave her instant answer.

"(Y/n). Don't be sad, those fucking idiots don't know you like me and Peko do. Ok, you silly bastard?" You just hum, with you head still rested on the table.

Peko gives a small worried look to Fuyuhiko. He furrows his eyebrows. He loved you and he hated seeing you like this.

"Come with me (Y/n)..." You get up and follow Fuyuhiko out of the diner.

When you get to your destination, your destination being the beach house, Fuyuhiko turns. You open you mouth to speak, but he quickly moves forward and kisses you. Your heart skips a beat and you kiss back.

You pull away and blush, though his was more noticeable.

"I hate seeing you upset, (Y/n)... Because I love you... I need you to be happy, then I can be happy."

"I love you too, Fuyu!" You hug him tight and he hugs back. You both share another kiss and make your way back.

You hold hands and at one point he offers a piggy back. You hop on his back, and you end up falling asleep as he walks.

When he arrives Souda screams "SHES DEAD!", waking you up and people give him a 'you're an idiot' look.

"Ibuki thinks you two are cute together!" You smile tiredly as Fuyuhiko blushes bright red.

"S-shut up..." He stutters. You kiss his cheek and smile. Not caring for the other's reactions.

"You two pigs deserve each other. You're both evil!" She shouts.

"Let them be happy, Hiyoko. Not everything is about you." Akane says. Wow you thought she hated you. She smiles at you and you nod as a thank you. Fuyuhiko walks over to Peko and sits you down.

"I think I cheered her up." You smile and watch as he sits by you.

"KISS ALREADY!" Ibuki shouts. You lean in and kiss.

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