Kauzichi Souda x Fem!Reader ~{Daddy}~

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I about forgot about the Sdr2 boysss
(F/g) - Fave game.

Lemon for best sdr2 boi.

You smirked as you beat Souda in another round of (f/g).

"You're cheating" he insisted loudly.

"No, you're just a sore loser" you giggle and he pouts and looks the other way. He looked so cute and you couldn't help blushing at him as a whole. You look at the clock. "Omg it's late! I'll get going! See y-" he grabs your sleeve and tugs on it.

"Aw come on, ask to stay over!" He begs. You sigh and get your phone out and ask your dad.

"He said I could" Kazuichi smiles and grabs a huge top for you to wear. He throws over a tøp shirt over and you smiled at him. "Are you going to wear a suit and take your trousers off next?" (Grammys) you showed the shirt and he blushed.


-------------- [Lemon]

After you got changed you both got into bed and watched a film on his laptop.

You lived for these moments with Souda, you loved his so much more than he knew, you were best friends since kindergarten and you were happy that friendship lasted.

You rest your head on his shoulder and watched the film. He blushed at how close you were, as if being in bed with you wasn't enough. He felt himself getting harder while knowing you were only in a shirt and pants. You were oblivious to all what was going until a sex scene played and you moved because you felt uncomfortable with them.

When you moved you felt Souda. You blushed and paused the film.

"That wasn't w-what I think it was, was it?" You look up to see a bright red Kazuichi.

"S-sorry (y/n)." You smiled a bit and moved the laptop off the bed.

"Does that mean you love me too?" You crawled above him.

"Y-you love me?" He stuttered as you were getting a bit aroused by how his body was responding.

"Of course I love you." He leans forward and kisses you. You kiss back and he flips you over, making you gasp and he slips his tongue in your mouth. You moan quietly as he grips your thigh. When he pulls away, a string of salvia connects you both.

He lifts your shirt over your head and stares at your boobs before giving them attention, you moan softly and he smiles at your blushing state.

"Kazuichi~" he kisses you again and you tried to kiss back. You were breathing heavily and you grab Kazuichi's hair so you deepen the kiss.

You felt lust take over your whole body, you wrap your leg around Kazuichi's body and grind on him a little he grunts and pulls away from the kiss.

"Getting impatient are we?" He teases.

"I know you want it too, so you can't say much." He smirks and bites your lips softly

"I never expected these sort words to come out of that pretty mouth of yours" you giggle and he moves a hand down your body. He pulls down your panties and instantly starts playing with you.

He put a finger in you, you moan and cover your mouth. He started pumping his finger and adding more over time.

"Kazuichi~! Ah~!!" You came on his fingers and he licked them clean. You pant as he takes off his boxers and you blush at his size.

"Don't worry... I'll be gentle" he smiles and kisses your cheek, pushing your hair back. He grabs a condom (GOOD CHOICE) and when he was ready he slid himself into you slowly.

"A-ow~" you cry a little and he kisses your tears.

"It's yo- Our first time. It will be better after a while... Promise" you smiled as Kazuichi whispered in your ear.

"You can move..." He started off slowly but after a while you just wanted more. You were a moaning mess. You both reach your limits.

You decide to change back into normal clothes. Souda only covered his mouth and looked at you worried.

"W-what's wrong?"

"The condom was fucking broken!" You went pale. You smash your head into the pillow and you sigh heavily.

"It's not your fault..." Souda put his boxer back on and hugged you

"Babe... Don't be upset..." He pulled you onto his lap and you lazily hugged him.

"I'm not upset... I'm scared" you look up at him "I'm too young to be a mom"

"You don't even know if you're pregnant yet."

"Still!" You said dramatically.

"If you are... You'll be the greatest mom ever, even if you're a hacker"

"You'll be a great dad" you booped his nose and he lays you down, hugging from behind.

"Night mom"

"Night daddy" you smirked

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