When Quinn Van der Woodson Resurfaces On The Upper East Side. Who knows what secrets she will uncover. Breaking up Blair and Chuck? Maybe even going after nate. Will lily have the heart to tell rufus and the kids about serena's secret twin.
"Well, well do my eyes deceive me? Quinn Van Der Woodsen" A tall gorgeous boy appeared from the bar
"I see you know her so Quinn this is Nathaniel Archibald, but we call him Nate" Chuck said as Nate lifted my hand and kissed it
"You know me?" i questioned Nate
"I was in your living room, must of overlooked me. besides that gossip girl she's having a field day with lily's secret daughter, how is Serena taking it?" He asked but to be honest i didn't know Serena Didn't seem to care much for me but i wasn't going to tell her friends that i needed friends too.
"Um well she's my sister..." I looked down.
Chuck said he was going to walk down to talk to Nate and then grab and drink and come back up. i nodded as how do i act casual around chuck bass i feel unsafe and alive with him. i walk over to the desk where their is a pink laptop with Chanel in sequins rhinestoned on it, i opened the laptop and surprisingly no pass code which was a big big big mistake i look on the laptop i soon learn is blair's due to the overload of selfies i find a folder labelled top secert i opened it and found videos one entitiled Nate the video was made less then a month ago i click it and it was practically a sex tape it starts with her saying "Nate Serena Never has to know she ditched us both tonight and i don't want to be alone, i can't go to chuck he isn't a man he's a poisonous low life who needs therapy him and Serena deserve no one....... and on it went i sent it to myself then placing the laptop back.
Chuck returns and i kiss him before departing "Where are you going?" he smirks
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SPOTTED - Q Van Der Woodsen on her way to Queen B's party looks like Q Is gearing up for a battle. Careful S Can baby Van Der Woodsen be the new it girl of the upper east side because as of today i label Serena Van Der Woodsen officially irrelevant.
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SPOTTED - S Arriving at the Waldorfs party, though red is a killing cover sorry S Baby Q just out did you :(
I Walked out the elevator into a party with the who's who of the upper east side i had many people come up and hug and congratulate me on finally being able to explore what the world of upper east side was like. Mom had introduced me to everyone, i got man compliments like from Alexandria moms friend.
"Wow what a beautiful well spoken social daughter you have lily." She said as she kissed my check
"Thank-you, I am Quinn" i kissed her cheeks
"Oh darling anyone who's anyone on the upper east side knows who you are, your such a remarkable young lady, lily must be proud." She smiled at my mother before Serena over heard i guess between the gossip girl blasts and the comparisons it was all a little to much for her?
"Serena Wait!" i call as i chase her to the elevator
"NO miss perfect daughter, i am so done being here." she grabs her coat
"Serena you can hate me all you want for what people think of me but we are sister..." she turns around in anger
"Don't call me that bitch you earn that right" mom cuts her off
"Serena thats quite enough" Lily injects
"Whats going on?" Blair asks looking at everyone staring
"I was just leaving" I grab my coat as Serena and lily disappear
"Listen quinn don't mess with Serena Or I we own this town and there for own you." she says with fake smile
"Don't be so sure you screwed over Serena" I Step into the elevator sending her the video of her and Nate the night Serena left the wedding. I turn around and see the shocked look on her face
"How did you get this" Anger fils to her face, i smile