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it was that time of year again Serena's sinners and saints party every year she threw one and every year was better then the last although this year was sure to be interesting since blair was knocked up and chuck was now tied down I found myself free, free to do whatever my little skinny childless ass felt like.

it was that time of year again Serena's sinners and saints party every year she threw one and every year was better then the last although this year was sure to be interesting since blair was knocked up and chuck was now tied down I found myself f...

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looks like little saint Q is out on a mission, be careful sinners cause this saints back


As I stepped out the car to oak vill rooftop bar immediately I was greeted with champagne which I did need the party was elegant a quite viewing room to the side overlooking the beautiful lake and lights of the city, the party was loud and I was loving it.

"Q, how are you?" I was greeted with a saint looking nate as we sat at the bar

"I'm good I'm just I feel so so so lost" I admit to him as I sip my martini

"Lost?" He questions me confused

"Yeah I guess having your heartbroken is good way to feel not yourself" I say smiling as chuck and Blair enter catching everyone's eye.

"Yeah I know how you feel, amazing how things that are meant to be special to us get snatched" nate says staring down at blair.

"Wow that's deep who broke your heart" I say jokingly

"Me and this girl she broke my heart she's taking something that's mine and is giving it away to someone else like it's nothing when it's massively something and my heart break" he says as he looks at me although my eyes were glued to chuck them slowly filling with water

"Do you miss her?" I ask

"Everyday, do you miss him?" Nate asked

"Who?" I looked at him snapping out of chuck

"In a strange way Q Your allowed to miss him" he says as Serena comes up interrupting

"Hey guys enjoying your night?" She asked

"Loving it" I smiled

"Can I borrow nate" she asked kissing his cheek

"Always" I smiled I was grateful for nate in my life he was my best friend he understood what I was going through poor him tho he was going through a rough spot and he unlike me wasn't emotional enough to let it out.

I went into the quite lounge overlooking the pool it was dark in there with hardly anyone it had calm music and wine it was just me in there when I sat down on the end of a lounge little did I notice mom following me in as I put my head between my hands watching chuck and Blair down by the pool socialising sharing the news with everyone blair looked so happy chuck looked lost and I saw sorrow in his eyes which once held happiness, happiness I gave him when he was with me. I started to shed tears as I felt my mothers warm arms around me.

"Mommy what do I do" I ask her as I felt my heart shattered.

"my darling Quinn there are so many lessons you need to learn in life about love and I'm sorry you didn't have a mother all these years to guide you through your first heartbreak" Lilly hugged me

"My heart shatters mom I need him" I say

"Chuck bass is any girls teenage dream" she admits

"But he's all grown up now, he has a girlfriend and a empire and he has a baby coming mom and I don't"

"the best lesson you can learn in life is you can love someone but let them go" she kissed my head leaving. As I downed my drink.


"Another one and you'll be out cold" a lurking chuck bass approached me

"I hope so it's meant to ward off unwanted encounters" I say sitting up

"What are you doing Quinn, your up here having a pitty party for yourself when I can't admire you from down there" he says sitting beside me his warm body rubbing against me

"Why would you admire another woman who isn't the mother of your baby" I dropped that line

"Your all I've ever known Quinn, only you" he says

"All I needed was the l..... what you gave chuck it's all I needed for another day, but what do we do?" I ask

"I have to become a good dad I can't do what mines done Quinn you know me way way to well"  he says taking my hand

"I do, which is why I can't understand you ruining your life over this it doesn't seem fair" I say standing up. As he does. He kissed me.

"Charles bass I was once told by someone who loves me and wants to see me genuinely happy, that I can love you but I have to let you go" I teared up placing my hand to his cheek.

"Quinn you ? You ? You love? You love me ?" He asked unsure of the answer as I turned away walking out quickly I was angry and hurt and confused

"YES! I do I love you chuck and I know you don't love anyone or anything but at the end of the day chuck I LOVE YOU! I do and my heart breaks watching you with blair" I admitted

"My Ugh Quinn I don't know what to?"

"Say don't don't say something you don't mean, I'm over our childish games chuck you win I fell In love and you took my heart and hers to" I admit

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