When Quinn Van der Woodson Resurfaces On The Upper East Side. Who knows what secrets she will uncover. Breaking up Blair and Chuck? Maybe even going after nate. Will lily have the heart to tell rufus and the kids about serena's secret twin.
I wake up in my bedroom countless times throughout the night upset over what Serena had said to me. I felt as though just when i started belonging i was never as much of an outsider, in the house. I grab a coat and slip out of the apartment. I Get into the car before asking to go to the empire. I was on my way up to see chuck at 1:30am crazy right but i couldn't be at home.
"Quinn to what do i owe the pleasure." A drunk chuck bass says walking up to me.
"I couldn't be alone or at home tonight?" I look down chuck doesn't do feelings.
"But i bought vodka and tequila which do you feel like" I raise the bottles laughing as chuck pours them.
"You didn't stay long tonight your absence was dearly noted." He nods throwing back a shot with me.
"My sisters a bitch... not much more to it i am just a Serena van der Woodsen replica " I sip on my vodka and coke.
"But your not Serena your not a bitch and your far from a replica" He whispers pulling me onto his lap.
"what about blair?" I whisper as i sit face to face with him.
"Who cares about her" He says.
The sex was hard and powerful much life chuck her was in control and he was the dominate one between us both. He didn't get fucked he did the fucking. He had gotten so good at this whole sex thing since all those year ago, and his kissing skills make your heart skip a beat when you kiss him. He was amazing but then again he was chuck bass. After wards we slow down and just go back to some cuddling and making out it was so different with him i didn't have to leave like most girl i think our friendship says a lot.
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i was kissing chuck and then began just massaging his chest running my nails down it then with his hand as they intertwined i soon occurred to me chuck was passed out but with blairs and all the drinks we had don't blame him. The next morning i simply left a note going down to grab us coffee, when my phone buzzes. A gossip girl blast.
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SPOTTED QUINN VANDER WOODSEN LEAVING THE EMPIRE - "Looks like Q has just done the most glamorous walk of shame, What ever will sister S and lily think, Watch out Q cause when queen B finds out who knows what she will do."
After grabbing the coffee like a half hour later i head back up to chucks. Hoping he's still asleep. The elevator doors open and i immediately hear an screaming match.
"What makes her so great" I hear blair yelling
"I don't know what your on about" Chuck says half awake and half asleep.
"For real chuck i know you slept with her last night" Blair is getting angrier
"Blair I'm not you boyfriend you don't get a say in who i sleep with." He yells
"I don't get it" She yells
"You don't have to not everything in this world is about blair waldof" He says i hear him bang his hands on the counter
"I can't believe you would say that to me, chuck!" She pauses and theres a moment of silence
"Why can't you just love me the way you love her" She yells
"What blair i don't love you and i don't love her." He calms down
"Its one thing to lie to me but lying to yourself is pathetic" She grabs her bags
"Speaking of pathetic you both deserve each other" She says to me as she gets in the elevator.
"I am sorry chuck gossip girl blasted" I say walking closer handing him the coffee.
"it is not your fault, I hate waldof she thinks she just can control me" He says taking my hand
"Your chuck bass no one can control you" I whisper
He kisses me and if drunk night sex was good i can assure you this early morning sex as way better.