Chapter One.

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"Don't forget to finish reading the book tonight everyone!" Mrs Jones attempted to shout over everyone's muffled voices, but they were all too busy packing their things and trying to get out of class as quickly as possible to listen.

Already finished it, and maybe if you stopped rambling a load of crap during class the others might pay attention to you.

After packing my things up, and rolling my eyes at the ignorance of the teacher. I stood up and walked out of the door before the class was even dismissed. I'm sure the teacher tried to stop me, but I was too busy listening to my music to hear or not.

Walking through the main doors and out onto the front of campus. I take my cigarettes out of my bag and light one up whilst finding a place to sit.

Closing my eyes and taking a drag from the cigarette I open my eyes. Looking around and seeing everyone go about there day wondering, how the fuck can everyone be smiling all the time? Like do there faces not ache?

I decide not to think about it anymore before I start making myself laugh.

Being too busy lost in my own thoughts I don't realise a guy standing in front of me, but when I do I take out my headphones and look up at him.

"Do you have a lighter I can borrow?" he asks "Err yeah sure, here" I say passing it to him. I can't help but notice his eyes, and how when he smiles they seem to brighten up.

Holy crap, I've been here a week and I haven't seen him once, how have I not noticed him before?

"Thanks" he says passing my lighter back, smiling at me I can't help but smile back.

"What's your name?" He asks "Pia" I reply bluntly.

I'm not exactly the sort of person to tell my name so willingly, mostly because anyone who comes across me, already knows my name.

I keep myself to myself and prefer to not get involved with others, it's always easier that way.

"Nice, I'm Justin. Thanks again for the lighter" "No problem" I reply. Taking a drag from his cigarette, he goes to turn around but instead continues to face me "You're very pretty by the way, and you should smile more often" he tells me.

Raising my eyebrow I stand to face him "Thanks" I reply, with a sarcastic smile to follow, making him laugh slightly.

I turn around and make my way around the college grounds "See you around" I hear Justin shout. I turn around to see him smiling to himself, still smoking. I wave and walk around the corner, placing my back to the wall.

I don't think I've ever seen someone so attractive in more ways than one, in all my life.

Stubbing out my cigarette I decide to sit underneath a tree and read in the quiet garden area of the college until my next class begins.



Looking at the time on my phone I notice I'm twenty minutes late to class. Shoving everything back in my bag I walk towards my next class. Being this late you'd think I'd walk a bit quicker but I stick to my usual pace. Walking through the corridors and into my next class I open the door and of course, all eyes on me like I've just murdered someone and still have the blood all over me.

I guess it wouldn't be the first time.

"So nice of you to finally join us Pia, what's your excuse this time?" Timms asks, no doubt remembering how I was also late the first time I had this class.

"No excuse, I just really didn't want to be here" I say, with no tone in my voice and a neautral expression on my face, earning a slight laugh throughout the class. Timms sighs loudly and tells me "Just take a seat and hurry up"

I start scanning the room to find an empty seat, finding one, I sit down and take my things out.

Looking around the room already bored of him talking endlessly about equations. I feel eyes on me, turning to my right I see him, Justin. He smirks at me and before the blush that slowly arrives on my cheeks I turn my head facing the front, so he doesn't see.

Since when was he in my class? 

But then I remember the last time I was here I was pretty zoned out and didn't pay much attention to anything the whole day. Teachers, lessons, especially not the people around me. I just stayed lost in my own thoughts.

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