Chapter Twenty Nine.

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“It’s so beautiful” I finally manage to say after staring in awe at everything around us. After the journey from the airport to the place we’re staying at, all I could do was stare, I was speechless.

Our cabin? Hut? I’m not really sure what to call it, I’ll go with cabin. Is situated in the water, standing by huge trunks with a pathway made from the same wood to stand on actual ground again. The sea surrounding us is crystal clear, and everything is beautiful.

We’re all staying in the same cabin as it’s quite simply, huge. Everyone has gone their separate ways to look around but Justin and I stayed behind.

“You like it?” Justin asks, we’re standing beside each other leaning on the wall surrounding the cabin looking out to sea as the sun in the sky is setting, painting the sky deep oranges “I love it” I whisper back, smiling. I haven’t stopped smiling since I opened the envelope to reveal where we were going.

After a few hours of looking around the cabin, watching the sea and going for a walk. We come back and Justin tells me to get ready for dinner and I do just that.

I walk through the cabin in to our bedroom for the next month. Yeah that’s rightmonth. When Justin told me that I jumped in to his arms and squealed like a little girl. But I wasn’t embarrassed over how happy I was.

I saw my suitcase on the California king bed (Yes, just a little something else to make this more perfect) and unzipped it, revealing a silver package. I furrow my eyebrows and sit on the bed, placing the package on my lap. It’s light and covers the size of my lap. I unwrap and hold the material in my hands. The only words I can mumble out are “Holy sweet Jesus” I hear Justin laugh from the doorway and turn my head towards him “Did you buy this?” I ask, holding the red silky smooth dress up so I can see it fully. The cropped arms and the material covering the chest until just underneath the bust is lace, the bottom flows beautifully to the ground. Justin takes the dress and lays it on the bed and pulls me closer towards him, his arms around my hips and his hands where they seem to be quite often…my butt.

“Yeah I did, do you like it?” He answers, snuggling close to me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull away slightly leaving enough room to place gentle kisses from his collarbone to the bottom of his ear “I love it” I whisper against his skin, making his grip tighter around me. He kisses me deeply on my lips and I can’t help but feel the butterflies erupting in my stomach, will I ever get used to the way he makes me feel? I hope not.

We pull apart before we both collapse from lack of oxygen and Justin smirks at me. I narrow my eyes at him as he pulls away even further and taking my hand in his so we’re two arm’s length away from each other “go get ready” he tells me before pushing himself towards me so quickly I nearly fall over, and kissing me once again. I roll my eyes as he laughs at me, walking back out of the door.Why does he have to make me turned on at inappropriate times?

Well…this isn’t exactly inappropriate, we’re alone after all but he did say something about dinner reservations being at 8pm, and it’s almost 7pm now. I guess I’ll just have to wait until later. I’m sure I can make my own fun at dinner.

After doing everything in the shower I put on red lace underwear to match the dress, dry and loosely curl my hair before doing my make-up, leaving it natural with bold red lips. Once I’m happy with my hair and make-up I slip the dress over my hair careful enough to not mess the curls and look in the mirrored closets that are against one wall of our room. I smile at how gorgeous the dress is, it fits perfectly, hugging my curves in just the right places and showing off one of my legs with a slit from the end of the dress to just below my hips.

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