See You on the Other Side

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Tala lets a nervous sigh escape her lips as the stolen cargo ship was given entrance to Scariff. When they had approach the planet, she was starting to get nervous, fearing the gate officer would see through everything and have the gate shut then annihilate the ship.

Bodhi, the man she fell in love with and defected with, looks at her and gives her a faint smile as the cargo enters the planet. She places a kiss on the side of his head then heads into the cargo section to listen to Jyn and Cassian.

Before defecting, Tala is the only daughter to Director Orson Krennic. When she was 5, Tala lost her mother and had a Nanny droid watching over her while her father was away. When she was old enough, her father would allow her to come with him and let her see how the Empire works, hoping that she will follow in his footsteps and serve the Empire after he retires.

One day, her father brought her to Eadu so he could have a meeting with Galen Erso. That was when she met Bodhi Rook as he was transporting some documents to Galen. While her father was talking to Galen, she introduced herself to him. He was surprise to have her talking to him, knowing who she is, but he introduced himself to her and both of them would talk to each other before she had to leave. After a few more conversations, they became friends and would have secret meetings on Eadu when they could. Their friendship soon changed into a romantic relationship, keeping their feelings hidden when in the presence of Imperial officers, stormtroopers, or her father.

During her meetings with Bodhi, she would tell him about her dreams. One of her dreams was leaving the Empire and living a normal life; but she knew she could never have the dream come true, knowing her father would find her if she left.

But one day, her dream did come true.

She went to Eadu to visit Galen when she saw him talking to Bodhi. Both men notice her and invited her in their meeting, knowing that they can trust her. Galen then left so Bodhi could talk to her, before having to leave and deliver a message to a man name Saw Gerrera on Jedha. That was when Bodhi asked her to defect with him. She was taken back by the request as Bodhi begins to reason with her, telling her that once they get to Saw Gerrera, she'll be safe from her father; that her dream of leaving the Empire can come true.

After thinking about it, she decides to defect with him.

Tala stayed near Bodhi as they found Saw Gerrera then soon teamed up with a man name Cassian Andor, a droid that goes by K2-SO, and Galen's daughter, Jyn Erso. They even meet a man name Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe.

They all managed to escape from Jedha as the Death Star destroyed JedhaCity. On Cassian's U-wing ship, he realized that Tala is the Director's daughter. Not like having the daughter of the Director on his ship, Cassian handcuffed her to a chair, which caused Bodhi to become mad. Tala calmed him down, telling him that it's okay and if this is the only way Cassian could somewhat trust her, she's fine by it. It wasn't until after the encounter on Eadu that Cassian slowly began to trust her a bit.

The group then traveled to Yavin 4, to a Rebel base, to discuss about the Death Star. Tala stayed with Chirrut and Baze while Cassian, Jyn, and Bodhi were in a meeting of the Alliance Cabinet. Due to the council's unwillingness to act, the group – along with a group of Rebel Marines – took the stolen cargo ship and made their way to Scariff, going by the call sign of "Rogue One."

As the ship lands on landing pad 9, Tala hides with the others as Bodhi lures two stormtroopers, an officer, and a ground technician into the ship. After knocking them out, Jyn and Cassian disguises as the officer and ground technician and left for the facility with Kaytoo.

See You on the Other Side - Bodhi Rook One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now