Chapter 3

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I was almost to the tree when I was pulled back by someone tall. I spun around and had Drew staring at me with his deep blue eyes. He was perfect and he was mine. Drew was my boyfriend and was definitely the hottest guy in school. He was tall and well-built with broad shoulders. His smile was absolutely perfect, not too big and not too small. His hair was a sandy blond which he styled perfectly every day. 

“Hey babe, how are you today?” He asked with a deep yet soft voice 

“Great now that I can see you” I replied with a smile on my face.

“Awww babe that’s so sweet. I am so lucky to have you. You’re perfect, my perfect girl.” 

“Awwww get a room guys!”  Everyone joked.

“Hahaha shut up” Drew replied “Just coz you all want me and can’t have me”

“Hahaha joke of the year there mate!” Ness joked. Everyone wanted Drew, even the guys. He was just so perfect but he chose me over everyone in the whole school. Don’t ask me why, I’m still trying to figure out why a guy like him would want to date a girl like me. 

Ness is my bestfriend, we have only known each other for three years now but when we first met we clicked straight away. We have so much in common and got on very well. We are practically twins but not identical twins; she is way prettier than me. Ness has light brown hair which is really thing but it suits her, especially with her blue eyes. Her eyes were so amazing you could get lost in them for an eternity, I still don’t understand why Drew chose me over her, I don’t think I ever will.

“Becca could you please come with me to the office” Ness asked me.

“Umm yeah sure” I replied confused to why she would want me to go with her. Normally she just does it by herself. 

Ness and I started walking towards the school. I didn’t really want to ask her why she wanted me to come with her, I figured if she wanted me to know she would tell me.

“I have some news to tell you” Ness stated. Her voice was soft but serious at the same time. I couldn’t figure out if the news was good or bad.

“Let me guess you have a new crush, wait you found a new song I would like” 

“No, none of those”

“What is it then?”

“I…umm…I…m…might…be…umm…moving” She said with the softest and saddest voice I have ever heard.

What!? Ness can’t move. She is my bestfriend. I love her. She can’t move. I am strong because she I around. If she moves I don’t know what will happen. I don’t think I will be able to go on. “What? Why? Where to? When?”

“Nothing is certain yet but my parents want me to do better in school. They want to send me to a boarding school, in Perth. I have a month to prove I can get better grades or I’m gone.”

I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say. How could her parents think that? She is a good student. Her average grade is a B+. She never gets a C. How could her parents send her to the other side of the country? This is totally unfair. How could they do this to me…I mean how could they do this to Ness. Can’t they see she doesn’t want to move? She needs to stay here, it will be better for everyone if she does. 

Ness spoke up when I stayed quiet, “My parents just want the best for me”

“But what about what you want? Do you get a say in this?”

“Umm kinda, I’m not sure yet but it might be a good idea”

“Ness, look at yourself. You are a good student. You get a B+ as an average grade. You have never gotten below a C. You are on a few of the sports team, you’re in the drama club and you have a really good chance at being school captain in two years’ time Do your parents even see that?”

“Becca a B+ isn’t an A is it?”

“No, but who in this century gets an A as an average? Name five people who get an A on everything”

“Well there is…umm”

“No one Ness, no one gets an A on every single test. The teachers have made it impossible to”

“You do Becca. You get an A on every single test. Every single assignment you do you get an A”

“Ness the last time I got an A on a test or an assignment was months ago.”

“Seriously? You used to get them on everything”

“Yes I’m serious. I have been doing really bad in every test the past few months but I haven’t told anyone because no one never asked how I went. You all just assume that I got an A because you see me as this perfect girl, but I’m not Ness. I’m far from it” As soon as those words left my mouth I knew there was going to be a big argument. I can’t believe I just said that, I should have known better.

“Becca you have to be joking! You are perfect!”

“No I’m not Ness, that’s you. You’re the perfect one. Can you just drop it” I continued walking towards the office but only got a few meters before Ness pulled me back.

“No Becca. You are the perfect one. You get good grades, you are dating the hottest guy in school, you have a family that actually cares about you and your opinions, you live in a big house, you have great friends and you are drop dead gorgeous. Becca anyone would kill to have a life like yours”

Ness just doesn’t understand. She doesn’t get what goes on in my mind. She doesn’t know what I’ve done. No one does. I didn’t want to argue over this. For Ness’s sake, she could possibly be moving halfway across the country in a month the last thing she needs is to be having a fight with me. “Ness I know anyone would kill to have my life but the thing is I would kill to have anyone else’s…I just hate the life I have. So can you please just drop it?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that I just want a simple life one that doesn’t have all the attention on me. Can you please drop it; I don’t want to fight with you. You’re my bestfriend.”

“Yeah sure. I never knew Becca, you should have told me”

“Sorry, I will next time…promise” I lied as a fake smile formed on my face.

“Good. Now let’s go to the office, I need to put this note in”

We headed towards the office in silence, I wasn’t sure if I should say anything so I just kept quiet. 

“I will be a while so you may as well head back to the group, just tell them I got held up”

“Umm okay bye” I said as I walked back to the group. That was so weird, I still can’t get over the fact that she might leave me. What will I do? Who will I hang with? Who will I gossip with? Who will I spend my free time with? Who will be my partner in group assignments? Who will lie for me when I can’t hang out with the others?  Who will be my friend? If she leaves I think I might have to as well. I was almost to the group when I heard a loud bang behind me, I quickly turned around to see what it was and froze.

A.N: Hey guys sorry I didn't get to update yesterday or the day before I got distracted and wasn't allowed on the home computer. I know this chapter is shorter then the last one and that it is quite boring but I had to have a bit of a filler so you will understand stuff in the future. What do you think Becca means by 'Íf she leaves I think I might have to as well'? 

I plan to upload another chapter later today :) And please vote and comment!!


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