Chapter 6

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After about ten minutes of sitting on the bathroom floor crying I decided enough was enough. I got up and walked over to the mirror. I was a mess. My hair was coming out and my face was all blotchy from crying, luckily I forgot to put my mascara and eyeliner on in the car on the way to school otherwise I would have looked a lot worse. I turned on the tap and put my hands under it for a bit before I formed a cup with my hands and splashed the cool water on my face. Even though it was winter the water was refreshing and it helped calm me down. 

“Right, now it’s time to go out there and face everything. You can’t be weak about this. You can’t cry anymore. Only weak people cry. You are not weak. You are strong. You can do this. You will do this. You need to be there for Drew and Ness. They need you as much as you need them. You are not weak you can do this” I said aloud to myself in the mirror. With that I took a deep breath and headed for the door.

When I walked outside there was no one in sight. It reminded me of one of those horror movies where there is a serial killer and everyone is hiding but there is that one idiot who is like da fuck is everyone? Well I’m that idiot. I have no idea where anyone is. It’s almost first period, there should be kids everywhere but there isn’t because a kid has just committed suicide.

I started to head towards the office to find out what I’m meant to do when I heard the principal over the loud speaker “Attention all students, there has been an unfortunate accident this morning which has resulted in a death of a student. The school will be closed for the rest of the day and possibly tomorrow as well. We have contacted your parents and they will be here to pick you up as soon as possible if they can. If you can walk home then please walk home safely. If you know your parents won’t be able to pick you up and you can’t walk home please make your way to the gym to be taken to a room for the day. A counsellor is on standby for anyone who needs to talk about what happened today. Thank you for your cooperation.” Accident!? Are you fucking kidding me!? It was no accident. He wanted to die. He fucking planned to die. There was no accident about it. 

I pulled my phone out of my bag and looked to see if I had any messages, of course I didn’t. I proceeded to call Mum. 


“Hi Mum its Becca”

“Oh Becca I was just about to call you. Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine. Are you able to pick me up?”

“No sorry I can’t get away from work. Are you able to walk home?”

“Yeah I guess so”

“Okay thanks. Do you have a key?”

”Yeah I do”

“Good. I will see you when I get home”

“Okay bye Mum”


I hung up the phone and put it back in my bag. I headed toward the front of the school; it’s the quickest way home, especially since it’s snowing. As I walked past the office I saw a heap of kids. They looked like they were in year seven or eight. They were all crying, I guess they knew Gabe.

I was almost to the front of the school before I heard someone yell my name, an unfamiliar male voice. Who the hell would be looking for me? Why would anyone be looking for me? I turned around to see this short kid staring at me. I’m guessing he would be in year seven. He had black hair which was in a comb over; it looked like it hadn’t been washed in months. Ew. I took a closer look at him and realized he had sky blue eyes that were red and watery, I think from crying. He had a few brown freckles on his olive skin and was wearing grey pants and a green jacket, the junior boy’s winter uniform.  

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