Chapter 10

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“NO!!” I screamed as I woke up from my sleep. Fuck, another nightmare.  I’m getting sick of these.

This nightmare was different from all my others. In my other nightmares I lose everybody and everything I care about but in this one I see Gabe falling and I just stand there and do nothing. I watch him die, and I love it. I do prefer my other nightmares to this new one. At least I didn’t watch someone die and love it in my old ones. I guess I stopped having my old nightmares because they have actually come true. I have lost everything and everyone I care about. Apart from Dad, he still loves me but his not here half the time so it does feel like I’ve lost him I guess.

I looked at the clock on my bedside table. Shit! It’s after nine! I’m late for school! I jumped out of bed and ran down stairs to find Dad sitting in the kitchen sipping his coffee.

“Dad I’m late for school! Why didn’t anyone wake me!?”  I screamed at him.

“Calm down sweet pee. You don’t have school today because of what happened yesterday. The school has decided no one will return until after the funeral. Which is in two days” Dad explained.

“Oh yeah. I forgot that happened. So I just get to stay here for the next few days?” I asked him.

“Well yeah. I have some work to do in town for the next three days, I’m actually about to leave now. So you can just stay here and read these books I brought you” He said to me with a smile forming across his face.

What books? I don’t see any books there. Dad moved to the side, he must have realised I couldn’t see the books. Sure enough there was a pile of brand new books there. I started to count how many there were. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Dad brought me eight new books. Eight. My lucky number is eight. This is why I love my Dad he knows me so well.

“You didn’t have to get all of those Dad. Thank you so much.” I said as I ran over to hug him.

“Yes I did sweet pee. You mean the world to me and I know you love reading so I got you eight books because that’s your lucky number” Dad said as he hugged me back. I have the perfect Dad. He is literally the best one in the world.

I ran over to the books and picked up the first one off the pile. It was called Never Look Back by James Billiard. I flicked to the first chapter and started reading it. Wow. This book is amazing. I love it already.

“Sweet pee I have to go now but I will be back for dinner. Love you” Dad said as he gave me a hug and left.

“Love you too Dad. Thanks again” I said as he walked out the front door.

I picked up the pile of books and walked up to my room. This is where I shall stay for the next two days.

A.N: okay so here is chapter 10 and I am uploading this by my phone and it is being annoying and not doing what I tell it to so I will upload the next few chapters tomorrow. As always Vote and Comment xxx


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