Chapter 4

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OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK? There was some guy from year 7 lying on the ground with blood around him. What the fuck happened!? There were people screaming and yelling. I don’t know what to do. Should I go and help him or should I stay here? Before I came up with an answer my legs started running towards him.

“Becca don’t” Drew yelled as I kept running towards the boy. I don’t know why but I couldn’t stop. I need to see if he is okay but I’m pretty sure isn’t. What happened? Why was he in a pile of his own blood and why was no one helping him?

“Becca wait. You don’t want to se...”

I cut Drew off “Shut up he needs help” I kept running towards him which was really hard to do in the snow but when I got there what I saw was disturbing. There was so much blood. Everywhere I looked all I could see was the blood. I bent down and shook the boy “Hey are you okay?” I asked. There was no response. Deep down I knew he was most likely dead but I just couldn’t believe it. I rolled the boy over and froze completely. I couldn’t move or talk, I couldn’t even make a sound. I knew this kid. It was Gabe Russel. Oh my god Gabe was dead.

“Oh my god is that Gabe?” Drew asked.

“Umm I…I don’t know probably not” I lied. I knew very well it was Gabe but I didn’t want Drew to know yet, he couldn’t see his brother like this. I got up and pushed Drew to the side. The last thing he needs to see is his brothers’ body covered in blood and snow on the ground. 

“Let go of me Becca, I need to see if it is Gabe” Drew said as he pushed me to the ground and bent down to Gabe. “Oh my fucking god it is Gabe! He...he…his dead. Gone.”

“Drew I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you to see him like this” I said holding back my tears.

“Fuck you Becca. You lied to me you little shit. How could you?” Drew yelled. He never yelled at me, what have I done?

“I’m s…sorry Drew I just wanted to protect you” I cried. 

“My fucking brother is fucking dead you twat! How the fuck are you meant to protect me from that you idiot?”

“Drew I just” I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to protect him but he is right how can I protect him from his brothers’ death? “I’m sorry”

“Just leave me the fuck alone Becca”

The tears were rolling down my cheeks now and I couldn’t stop. I got up off the ground and ran off towards the bathroom. As I ran past the office I saw the principal coming out with a few other people they were running to where Gabe and Drew were. Then I saw Ness she yelled out to me but I didn’t want to talk to her and continued towards the bathroom. 

When I got to the bathroom I ran into a cubical and locked the door. What the fuck just happened? Gabe killed himself that’s what happened. Then I tried to hide it from Drew and he cracked the shits at me. Now I’m crying in the bathroom like a bloody two year old girl who had her lollipop taken off her.

“Becca is everything okay?” Shit now Ness was here. That’s the last thing I need. “I saw you crying what’s going on?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. Can you leave me alone please?” I asked.

“No, I’m not going to leave you alone. Something has obviously upset you and I want to help” 

Why won’t she just leave me alone? She has no idea what just happened. She has no idea what is happening. I just want her to leave me alone. “No Ness, I don’t want to talk to anyone”

“Rebecca Jayne Howie you tell me what is going on right now or so help me I will break down that door and drag it out of you”

I giggled to myself. Ness never gave up. “Okay.” I opened the door and looked her in the eye. “Gabe is dead. He killed himself by jumping off the roof of the school and I tried to hide it from Drew to protect him and he got angry at me. Then we had a small argument and I ran off. Now whenever I close my eyes all I see is Gabe’s body covered in blood. I can’t stop thinking about it either. I tried to help him but he wouldn’t wake up. I shook him but nothing happened. I failed. I couldn’t save him. I’m a fucking loser. I should be the one who is dead. I mean I basically am. I’m barely even functioning in everyday life. I can’t sleep at night. I cry at the drop of a hat. I fight with Mum and Declan all the time. I hate myself. I’m failing at school. I look like shit all the time. I can’t lose weight. I’m a horrible person. I should be the one who is dead not Gabe.”  I cried. 

Ness was shocked, once again I had said too much. I should have stopped after I said Drew and I had a fight now she knows everything. Fuck. 

AN: Hey guys I had to cut this chapter short because I am going out and won’t be back till tomorrow. So what do you guys think? 


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