Day 7

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Back at work today for the first time since I found out about my parents. I was expecting it to be really awkward and for the girls to all ask how I was and to keep reminding me of what happened, but they didn't. It was quite nice to get out of my apartment and back to work. Worrying about other people's problems and trying to get them cleaned up and comfortable seems to be the way forward. Only one moment today caused my heart to break in half and threaten tears. The officer who was shot is still on our floor, in a medically induced coma. Today was the first time I was here, while guests were allowed to visit. Around 5 his works partner came in to visit, which I met on the first day of the incident, he brought the man's wife and son though. I had to do my rounds and check his stats while they were sat in the room, overhearing the boy reading his report card out to his Dad, saying how excited he was for his Dad to wake up and come to parents evening in two weeks' time. When they asked how he was doing I had to try and be honest but looking at the boy's face it was so difficult. I ended up taking the little boy out of the room to go and get a free book from the reading corner, while the doctor asked about whether they wanted to try and bring the man on the breathing apparatus so that he was one step closer to waking up. I really hope that he wakes up, and soon, because that boy has a heart of gold and doesn't deserve such a tragedy in his life. A child should never grow up without both of their parents.

Bethany x

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