Day 1

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So, I guess this is it. My first diary entry. I can't believe that I finally got around to buying a diary and writing in it. I'm not really sure how you do this sort of thing, but I guess that I will get the hang of it eventually right? I think today is the best day of any to start writing though, with the new job that is. I met many new people today who I will be working alongside. The other nurses seem really nice; the doctors aren't all that bad either. I'm used to the doctors being bossy and stand off-ish but here they are lovely and offering help if I got a bit nervous and forgot about things. It was a busy first day today as well. My first case was an officer from the local sheriff's department, he had been on a case of a stolen car suspected in a robbery. His bullet proof jacket had protected him from one shot but the other had hit him below the jacket puncturing some of his vital organs. It was touch and go to begin with on whether he was going to survive or not but after a few hours in the operating theatre he was added onto my rounds. I guess the big question will be whether he will still be clinging onto his life tomorrow. 

Bethany x

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