Today was another day of exploring the corridors on my floor. I killed another four corpses that were wandering around the halls. One was a doctor that I knew, I worked with him a couple of times. His chest was smothered in blood with clear bullet wounds littering his body. It was clear he was one of the individuals who had suffered the consequences of the military taking over, one of the people who was wrongfully killed. The military didn't protect us from the dead, they are the reason that the dead were able to take over. We could have all stopped this and innocent people still be alive, but the military didn't do their job of protecting us. They were only interested in helping themselves.
Bethany x

We Are The Walking Dead
FanfictionWhen Rick Grimes was first wheeled into the hospital, Bethany didn't know that she would be the reason he lived. The reason he didn't die from the gunshot. Did you ever wonder how Rick survived so long in that hospital? Why he didn't die in that co...