So I finished converting all the machinery over today. I decided to convert the heart beat monitor and a lamp from the reception desk. They both looked like the ones that my dad had done all those years ago, but I had to find some batteries. I decided that it would probably use a lot of battery power and instead of risking it going out when I needed I would go around the hospital areas I could still access and collect all the batteries from the clocks. Some floors would have had loads of batteries but I didn’t have the energy to unblock the doors from the other day. My work paid off. After 48 hours of working like mad I had achieved something. As I hooked the wires up to the batteries, the machine beeped into life. it might be a little easier around here, now that I have power on a few things.
Bethany x
We Are The Walking Dead
FanficWhen Rick Grimes was first wheeled into the hospital, Bethany didn't know that she would be the reason he lived. The reason he didn't die from the gunshot. Did you ever wonder how Rick survived so long in that hospital? Why he didn't die in that co...