Today was an early start, when I got there the waiting room was full of people covered in blood and some sporting the bites that we had seen recently and all over the news. It seemed like it would be a normal day just busier, but I was so wrong. I'm sat held up in one of the side rooms. The officer from my first day of work, his room is the only one that doesn't have a dead body. That I know of anyway. The army they came in with guns and started shooting up the place. they started in the waiting room where all the patients with the bites and burning fevers were, but then they moved onto the patients in the rooms and last of all they turned on the scared doctors and nurses that were stood in the corridor, shocked by the army's actions. I managed to hide behind the desk as they went down the corridors shooting at everything, that was until the dead started to pour through the doors and attack the soldiers causing bullets to fly through the air all over the place. When the sound of guns was replaced with the approaching groans of the dead, I knew I couldn't stay hidden behind the desk for much longer before becoming their next meal. Hence why I am now sat in the officer's room. I saw the man who visited him every day walking out of his room trying to find a chair to move him in but then the look in his face turned to despair as he knew that everything was hopeless and with one last goodbye he pushed a bed against the door and left. I guessed he must have avoided the gun fire and I was right. The man was laid on the bed still hooked up to the machines that went off when the power stopped. I found a pulse and decided that this was the best room to stay in until it calmed down outside. I didn't want to be wandering around out there while the dead and those soldiers were still roaming around. It looks like I'm going to be this guy's nurse until he wakes up into the end of the world or dies and turns into one of those monsters. I feel like I'm going to have a lot of time to write in this from now on.
Bethany x

We Are The Walking Dead
FanficWhen Rick Grimes was first wheeled into the hospital, Bethany didn't know that she would be the reason he lived. The reason he didn't die from the gunshot. Did you ever wonder how Rick survived so long in that hospital? Why he didn't die in that co...