Chapter 3: Stella vs Kite

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(pic at the top is Kite. And word of warning one of the spell cards I use here doesn't have this exact effect just roll with me on this one this particular card is double cyclone. Also one of the duellers doesn't have very good draws hence why it is a one sided dual you will see who that is when we get to it. Now on with the chapter and enjoy!)

Stella's POV:
''Stella?'' I heard a voice say from behind me I looked around to find Yuma's friends Shark and Tori, after a good sleep I was rested and ready to challenge Astral to a dual but first I had to clear my mind so I had told Yuma that I was going out a small walk to get some air. I turned around and smiled to my two new friends that I had met not that long ago,

''Tori, Shark how can I help you both?'' I asked smiling they smiled back and shrugged their shoulders,

''its nothing you can help us with we just wanted to know how your strategy planning is coming for when you challenge Astral to a dual'' Shark said I smiled again

''oh I finished that last night but I have to be ready for anything that's thrown at me after all it was Astral who taught me how to dual properly so I must be versatile and unpredictable'' I said Tori smiled and hugged me which took me by surprise.

''Hey your friends with Yuma Tsukomo and Astral right?'' someone said I turned around to see two boys and a robot the elder one looked right to me but I was unsure of if he was talking to me or the other two since not everyone could see me only friends of Yuma could, I looked around then pointed to myself he smiled a little and walked up to me stopping right in front of me. ''Yeah I mean you I already know Shark and Tori are because I'm friends with them too the names Kite, this is my little brother Hart and the robot is Orbital 7 nice to meet you'' he said as he held his hand out to me I smiled and shook his hand.

''Its nice to meet you Kite, you as well Heart and Orbital 7, my name is Stella. How can I help you?'' I asked Kite nodded as his little brother stepped beside him and looked up to me happily

''Kite wants to challenge you to a dual! You will wont you Stella?'' Hart said taking my hand in his two small ones I looked between him and his elder brother who just nodded I smiled and knelt down to Harts height and placed my free hand over his,

''sure I'll accept your brothers challenge to a dual I could use a little practice anyway I've been out of it for a little while'' I said Harts eyes lit up as he hugged me I hugged him back then stood up facing his brother who had walked a little ways away.

''A dual between Kite and Stella?! I have to go and get Yuma and Astral, Shark you wait here with the others I'll go get them!'' I heard Tori shout Shark nodded and put on his dual gazer standing beside Orbital and Hart.

Astral's POV:
Yuma and I were about to leave the house to look for Stella he had said that she had gone for a walk but she was taking quite some time so we thought we would look for her to ensure that she was okay since we were both getting rather worried. That was the plan before Tori ran up to us both out of breath and panting,

''Yuma! Astral! Hurry about to dual!'' she shouted with excitement in her voice Yuma's eyes widened as did my own as we looked to one another Yuma had told me that I taught Stella to dual properly so has she been duelling since I've been here? If so she's had a lot of practice. Yuma and I hurried after Tori since she was telling us to hurry up before it started,

''Tori wait you never told us who Stella's about to dual against!'' Yuma shouted as he and Tori put their dual gazers on as they ran Tori looked round her eyes sparkling

''that's the best part the person who challenged her is.....Kite!'' she shouted, wait did she just say Kite?! But his secret weapon is a very strong monster I don't think Stella would be prepared to fight such a beast especially without the foreknowledge that Yuma and I have after fighting against it ''we're here, heeeeey Shark, Orbital, Hart we made it before it began!'' Tori shouted as we all stopped beside Shark who smiled to Yuma and I then turned back to where the battle field would soon be.

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