Chapter 10: The Voice

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???'s POV:
Look at them all, all happy and smiling having fun in the sunshine with their friends.....Blech! If this sappyness keeps up I'm gonna hurl, even those dark entities supposed to be made of evil and hate are smiling and having fun trying to live in the light.

Friendship, Kindness, Love its all a bunch of lies in this world and all worlds, just wait beings of Astral world and Dark beings who betray the darkness that is myself I will get you. What better way to get to Astral and that traitor Dark Mist than to get to the ones they love and hold dear and destroy them I'm coming for you.....Stella and Dark Star.

Stella's POV:
Yuma and Shark were having a tag dual against Kite and Rio for some fun, since Yuma for whatever reason wanted to have a mini duelling tournament and we were all to get into teams.

1.Astral and I
2.Dark Mist and Dark Star
3.Yuma and Shark
4.Rio and Kite
5.Caswell and Flip
6.Bronk and Cathie

Astral and I had beaten Cathie and Bronk knocking them out of the competition, then Mist and Star knocked out Caswell and Flip. Tori, Orbital and Hart were our audience cheering us on from the side lines.

After this dual Astral and I would face off against Mist and Star then the winners of that dual would face the winners of this dual, after the 'champions' would be announced then we'd all go to the beach for some fun.

"Shark Drake take out Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!" Shark shouted as Kites monster was defeated and his life points fell to 0 leaving Rio wide open and defenseless, "now Yuma finish this!" Shark said high fiveing Yuma who nodded grinning,

"Got it! Go Utopia attack Rio directly, rising sun slash!" Yuma shouted as the attack hit wiping out the last of Rio's attack points and declaring the winners of this dual as Yuma and Shark.

"Wow Yuma won a dual without our help Astral I'd say that's quite the achievement wouldn't you?" I said turning to Astral I could see him trying to hold in his laughter like the rest of our friends well other than Mist he just burst out laughing and was rolling on the ground in stitches,

" uncool. And stop laughing Mist if you evaporate because your laughing so hard don't expect me to give you sympathy" Yuma pouted as we all held in the laughter as best we could,

"s....sorryyy hahahahaha! I just hahaha I can't breath! Hahahaha!" Mist shouted through his laughter and that was it we all started laughing after that because hey laughter is contagious especially if its Dark Mist.

Speaking of Dark Mist he finally got together with Dark Star as a couple I had finally found it in me to forgive her and give her another chance, so I helped her tell Mist that she loved him. But they are a little more agressivly progressive in their relationship,

the other night I heard moaning coming from their 'room' if you even can call it that, in the airship inside the key. I instantly knew that they were doing it, i.e going to third base. Then Astral started asking me what they were doing and if we should help them, thankfully Yuma had called on us asking for help with his deck so I avoided that awkward explanation, if he's gonna find out what it is I'd prefer he learn through experience with me.

"You two are going down!" I heard a voice shout then I remembered it was time Astral and I duelled Star and Mist, I looked to see that Mist was the one that shouted to us, I felt Astral take a hold of my hand and give it a gentle squeeze causing me to look up at him,

"let us high five the sky and win this together Stella, as an unbeatable team" Astral said I smiled and nodded which he returned as we all set up our dual disks

"LETS DUAL!" We all shouted at the dual began. (For this dual and the next I'm not gonna go into great detail like normal coz then this chapter would be way over like 5000 words so just bare with me)

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