Chapter 22: The Chaos Unleashed

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Astral's POV:
"Yuma you spelt your name wrong again" I said with an exasperated sigh, I had to admit even though Yuma hates it when I correct him on trivial things its quite fun to see him annoyed whilst trying not to shout at me in the middle of class, plus Stella always cracks up over it.

"*Snrk* He did it again.....Hahahaha!!" Stella shouted as she held her stomach in laughter, Yuma turned to glare at us with Tori quietly giggling beside him, I just smirked at him then floated back to where Stella was, wrapping my arm around her.

"Yuma did what?! Haha! He spelt his name wrong classic!" A familiar voice said we all looked up to see Mist floating along close to the ceiling also in fits of laughter,

"really Mist? You too?" Yuma muttered but that just made Mist laugh even harder as if to say umm duh? "Ugh you three are unbearable sometimes" Yuma said again

"yeah but you love each of them and need them all can't deny that fact" said another familiar voice, Star smiled from beside Yuma she never found this stuff as funny as Mist and Stella but she was the one able to keep us quiet whilst he worked.

"Yeah, yeah true anyway can you all please be quiet at least until class is done, please?!" Yuma begged to us we all nodded and kept quiet, well as much as we could Mist and Stella were still laughing with their hands over their mouths to muffle the sounds but other than that we kept our word,

eventually the bell to end the school sounded and Yuma ran out of the building like it was about to eat him up. Star and Mist were joking around with one another and I was floating beside Stella holding her hand,

"aw man I can't believe you did that in class Yuma, tell me how many times on advarage does he do that in a week Astral?" Mist asked me I noticed Yuma glare back at him I smiled and shrugged my shoulders ''probably a lot haha'' Mist said as he leisurely floated above us all I shook my head with a smile as we all continued on our way home.

Stella's POV:
As we were all making our way home smiling and laughing with one another when I suddenly got a strange feeling I stopped moving and clutched my chest falling to my knees, I could feel someone kneel down beside me and I knew it was Astral he must be worried. What was this feeling? It was painful, dangerous yet it almost felt like a warning as if I was being told that something was going down and I had to stop it, but if so why did it hurt so much it was as if all the air around me was being forced down upon my heart crushing it under the extreme pressure,

''Stella what's going on?!'' I heard Astral's panicked voice ask but it seemed as if his voice was getting further and further away until I could hear nothing at all, I opened my eyes to see that I was surrounded in nothing but darkness I stood up the pain from my chest gone. I decided to cautiously look around when I turned around I noticed what looked to be a black hole its purple aura menacing and screaming danger and destruction,

''what is that?'' I muttered to myself as I looked a little closer it felt like the Barians presence only multiplied by a million it was crazy how powerful this presance was but if it was a Barian who was it? It was far too powerful to be Dumon, Mizar, Alito, Girag or Vector. Plus Nash and Miran are no longer Barians since Eliphas transformed them back into humans, Rio and Shark, so who was this and why did it feel as dangerous as it did familiar?

"Astral world will fall....." I spun around hearing a voice from behind me but no one was there, I felt a massive pulse of energy from the black hole behind me and I knew that whatever had happened was not good. I didn't want to turn around but I knew I had to if I wanted to remember this presence so I did........slowly.

Behind me lurked a massive shadow that towered above me, all I could make out were a pair of glowing red eyes and another eye midway down, as I looked at it the pulsing and crushing gravity came back. I screamed in pain and gripped my chest as I fell to my knees again,

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