Chapter 15: Well This Is Awkward...

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Play the song when it gets to Stella's lullaby.

Stella's POV:
"Mm....huh? Astral?" I mumbled as I sat up in bed normaly I would always be up before Astral and I would have to wake Yuma up for school, but for some reason Astral wasn't laying beside me asleep like he normally is.

I rubbed my eyes and got up leaving our room inside the airship, this place really was complex cause it seemed that even though it was an airship it doubled as a sort of house where the four of us could eat, sleep and relax kind of strange.

I floated down into the main control area, we had set a table up there somehow so we could eat there,

"Mornin' Stella" Star said as I sat down across the table for us, she was so much better after that incident a couple days ago thank god. I smiled to her and took a sip of my 'orange juice',

"good morning Star, might I do you know where Astral is? I woke up this morning to find him gone already" I asked she smiled a little and nodded.

"Oh yeah you two normally always come down together but he's already outside the key. Astral and Mist said they were gonna go somewhere, you know how Astral has those tentical things like Mist but never uses them cause he feels he doesn't need to? Well Mist said he'd teach him a few tips and stuff I dunno what it was about though, guy stuff since you know we girls don't have them" Star said as she went back to her rice ball.

"Alright I guess I'll just take a look around then, see you later Star" I said with a smile, she returned it and waved me off. She was gonna stay in the key and rest today too just to be safe but she was free to leave again tomorrow. It was fine though Mist ducked in and out of the key constantly to check on her and take care of her so she never got lonely, I left the key to find myself in Yuma's school class but of course once again he was fast asleep in stead of learning

''''psst hey Stella'' I heard someone whisper I looked over to see Tori waving me over without drawing attention to herself, I floated over beside her so she could whisper to me ''if your looking for Astral they went out not long ago, I think they said they were going to the park to practice something, then they left'' Tori said I smiled to her

''thanks Tori, I'll head to the park then, bye'' I replied she smiled and nodded as I left the classroom and floated towards the park, once there I saw Mist but for some reason he looked pretty flustered as he was holding something.

''Hey Mist!'' I shouted he jumped a little and turned around holding whatever it was he was holding behind his back nervously

''uhh, h...hey Stella what's....ehem what's up?'' he asked as he looked everywhere but into my eyes, I looked to him suspiciously he was definitely hiding something from me but what?

''Mist....Your hiding something from me aren't you? And where is Astral I thought he was with you'' I said in a serious tone at Astral's name he tensed up a little but he quickly tried to cover it up by taking a few steps backwards to which I took two forwards,

''hiding? What? don't.....don't be ridiculous why would I hide something from you and Astral?Um I dunno where he went. You know what he's like he gets curious and wanders of haha....ha........ha'' he said with nervous laughter I scowled crossing my arms,

''Mist'' I said getting impatient, he gulped then sighed

''promise you wont get mad? Cause this wasn't my fault I left for two seconds then I came back and Astral was......well how do I put it

''if it wasn't your fault I won't get mad but what is wrong with Astral?'' I said he sighed again

''I guess its better to show you'' he said in defeat he brought what he was holding behind his back so that he was holding it in front of him, I gasped with wide eyes when I saw what it was.

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