Chapter 18: Astral No!

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(Okay writing this chapter is going to be hard and that picture hurts to see. I will probably cry whilst writing this haha)

Astral's POV:
"We can't find her anywhere, my poor Stella she could be in so much pain right now and I am unable to do anything about it!" I shouted hitting my hand off a nearby tree,

"Astral please calm down, it's hard for you we know. Its hard for us all but we will find her" I heard Tori say I sighed shakily and nodded my head but just then,

"Guys! We found them, Mist and I found them!" We looked behind us to see Star floating towards us quickly I moved over to her and grabbed her shoulders

"where are they! And where is Mist?" I shouted before noticing that Dark Mist wasn't with her she looked a little worried but then turned back to me with a determined look on her face,

"he said he was going on ahead to try and distract Vector with a dual, if he's defeated then I'll take him on next. That should give you a good amount of time to find Stella and get her out of there. Come on follow me!" Star shouted we all followed her until we reached some ruins just outside the city, apparently no one knew they even existed,

"Go number 96, whiplash whirlwind!" We heard a voice shout from just inside, we already knew it was Dark Mist. We ran inside as quickly as we could however...

"I activate the trap magic cylinder, your finished!" Vector shouted as the attack was repealed taking Dark Mist down to zero life points,

"Mist!" Star shouted as she knelt down beside him and pulling him into a protective hug "Mist are you alright?" She asked, he looked up to her and nodded

"yeah but I couldn't beat him" Mist said I noticed Star look back to me with a nod I knew what she meant and quietly backed away until I was out of sight the satarted to look for Stella

"let's dual!" I heard Star and Vector shout 'good luck Star' I thought to myself as I found some stairs heading down, so I followed them down. It was very dark down the stairs as if it had been some kind of prison. Suddenly I heard the rattling of some chains I cautiously followed the sound until I was outside one of the cells and when I looked inside I felt a sense of relief.

"Stella!" I shouted, thankfully the door was not locked to I was able to get in to her, she looked up and her eyes widened when she saw me

"A...Astral?" She whispered, whatever Vector had did to her she was exhausted and somewhat hurt. I quickly got the chains off of her wrists then pulled her to my chest in a hug. "Astral..." She said again hugging in closer to me "I was so scared" she muttered, I gave her a gentle squeeze,

"I know but its alright I'm here, we all are now let's get out of here" I said she nodded and tried to stand but something must have been hurting her bad because she winced in pain before falling forwards into my arms. "Stella are you alright?!" I asked panicked

"yes its just...every time I agruged against Vector he pressed a button that sent electric currents through those chains and into my body. It... Hurt a lot but I wasn't going to help him with anything so it was worth the pain...ow" she said I carefully pulled her arm around my shoulder and wrapped my other arm around her waist to support her,

"is this a little better?" I asked she nodded, I then guided her back through the passage and up to where Star was still duelling Vector. Just as we were moving over to them Star managed to wipe out Vectors life points meaning she beat him.

"Alright Barian scum now tell us where Stella is!" Shark shouted

"Shark calm down, I'm...right here" Stella said Shark looked over to us along with everyone else, their faces showed relief when they saw Stella. Shark and Yuma came over to support Stella as I made my way towards Vector.

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