Chapter 17: Disappearance

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Astral's POV:
"Mmm...huh?" I muttered I petted all around me before opening my eyes, I looked around the room but for some strange reason, Stella was not here. Normally she would always wait until I was up before she went off like this, well there's no need to worry maybe Star and Mist wanted to talk with her, or maybe Yuma needed her help with something.

I got out of bed and made my way towards the main hub of the airship, there I found Star and Mist chatting away happily,

"good morning" I stated walking over to them, when they saw me their expressions changed. Star smiled and Mist smirked

"good morning Astral did you sleep well last night?" Star asked I nodded and sat down across from them as I stared at Mist still confused as to why he was smirking at me.

"He must have slept well after all he kept kept both himself and Stella up until pretty early in the morning, screaming and moaning in extacy" Mist said I tilted my head wondering what he meant making Mist face palm

"um Astral he means that when you were having your um... Special time together last night you were pleasuring one another so much that we could hear you from our room" Star said, I felt my face heat up considerably then then a thought came to mind that made me return Mist's smirk back to him.

"O...oh I see well then now I realize what you both were doing all that time ago to make such a noise, and here I was worried you were in trouble because I'm pretty sure you were both louder than Stella and I" I said this time both their faces lit up like a fire truck making me chuckle slightly,

"hey speaking of Stella where'd she go? Was she too embarrassed to come a down here?" Mist asked teasingly but I shook my head feeling a strong wave of danger run over me,

"no... I woke up this morning but I couldn't find her, I was wondering if she was with you two? But I'm guessing not" I said concerned they shook their heads then stood up

"no we've not seen her since yesterday anyway, why don't we go check in with Yuma and the others maybe she's hanging out with someone today and just forgot to tell us?" Star questioned as she gipped Mist's hand and lay her other hand on my shoulder

"yeah could have happened let's go check it out" Mist replied as we all left the key to talk to Yuma. But as soon as we did we noticed that Yuma was still fast asleep in fact the sun was only just starting to peak over the horizon meaning everyone would be asleep, plus it was the weekend so they didn't have school today either.

"Now what?" I asked starting to get very worried indeed.

Stella's POV:
'Why do I feel so strange? Why do I feel like I'm getting weaker wait..... Where am I?!' I thought as I opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings, everything was so dark and cold and I felt so weak like I could barely move. There was a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as if warning me of danger but what?

"So your awake huh? Too bad your still not totally off the effect of the drug I gave you, meaning toying with you won't be any fun... Sleep well little Stella cause the next time you wake up, will be the last time you wake up easy" a voice said I tried to find who was saying this, I managed to see a figure behind a set of bars but it was only a shadow and before I could say anything I felt myself falling back to sleep.

Astral's POV:
"Stella!" I shouted looking around now feeling very panicked. Mist, Star and I had managed to wake up our friends appologising to them for the sudden and rather rude early morning wake up call. We explained the situation to them all and their attitudes changed instantly, now were were all out in teams looking for her.

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